ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....zzz...(snort)....urrrg....huh? Oh!
'scuse me... just catching ninety winks... well, ok, more than that, but
who's counting? Anyway, welcome to my Pokemon page! Updates: A new Pokemon and
a new fanfiction!
Everyone's favorite villians! Team Rocket
Dream Pokemon -New Pokemon that I have created, and so can you!
Pokerumors! -The latest buzz in Pokemon news!
The Card Game -The new pokemon ccg from Wizards of the Coast!
Fanfiction -Fanfiction for all you happy people!
Vote for my site!

This page was created by Snorlax, but Pokemon and all its symbols and other
stuff is the property of a bunch of other companies (Gamefreak, Nintendo, WOTC,
Hasbro, Viz, etc.).
You can e-mail me at [email protected]