Creation and Eviction
"W...w..what do you want?" Asked the frightened bank clerk.
"Hmmph. We don't talk business until after the motto."
"That's right. Prepare for trouble!"
"And make it double!"
"To infect the world with devastation!"
"To blight all peoples within our nation!"
"To announce the evils of truth and love!"
"To extend our wrath to the stars above!"
"Team Rocket, circling earth all day and night!"
"Surrender now, or you will surely lose the fight!"
Unbeknownst to the two Team Rocket members, the clerk had
activated a silent alarm during their entrance speech. "Please...
just don't hurt anyone. I'll give you anything you want!"
"All we want is the cash, old man." Snarled Cassidy.
"We don't have to cause any trouble... just do as you're told."
Butch said, glaring.
As the old bank teller began stuffing sacks full of money, the
Rockets began to converse. "I can't believe the boss is giving
us this monkey work. This is beneath us, any thug could pull
this job." Cassidy said, contempt in her voice.
"He must be punishing us for our screw-up with the breeding
center job. He went through a lot of trouble to break us out of
prison." Reasoned Butch.
Just then, the door burst open, and three police officers entered.
First, of course, was officer Jenny, followed by officers Harris,
a thirty-something man of medium build, and Johnson, a thin, wiry
man about 25 years old. "Freeze! This is the police!" Jenny commanded,
as they drew their pistols.
"Hmmm... this just got interesting." Butch said, drawing a
pokeball. "Zubat! Go! Use your Supersonic attack!" The released
Zubat screeched, loosing a barrage of sonic waves at the police
Jenny, Harris, and Johnson all slammed into each other in a fit
of panicked confusion. They sprawled on the floor in a daze.
When they came to their senses, Team Rocket was gone.
"You folks ok?" Asked the clerk.
"RRRR! Darn those Rockets!" Growled Jenny.
"How much did they get away with?" Queried Harris.
"Only about a couple thousand, thanks to you." The banker
"They wouldn't have gotten away at all if we weren't so helpless."
Groaned Johnson.
"That's no way to talk!" Scolded Jenny.
"No, I'd have to agree with Johnson on this one. We can't effectively
stop these thugs. ...I realized this a while ago. Johnson, Jenny...
I wanted you two to be the first to hear of my resignation."
Admitted Harris.
"What? But you said you're life's dream was to fight crime!"
Said Johnson.
"I did. Just because I'm not going to be on the force doesn't mean
I'm going to let those Rockets get the best of me. I'll find a
way... but I'm not getting anywhere by following police protocol."
Jenny was stunned. A sad look crossed her face. "I'm going to
miss you, Ed... you were like a father to me... my cousins and
sisters would have benefitted from all the training you gave me."
"Oh... Jenny. Just because I'm leaving the force doesn't mean
I'm never going to see you again. This I promise."
A tear formed in Jenny's eye. "We'd better get back to HQ to
file a report." She sniffed.
* * * * *
The perfect weapon. Does it exist? What could be used to
defeat Team Rocket? When reading the paper as of late, I have
come upon many stories of a young pokemon trainer named Ash Ketchem
who has repeatedly foiled the plots of Team Rocket. I decided that
pokemon must be the key to victory. What better to defeat pokemon
thieves than pokemon? I began to train some pokemon of my own. Soon,
I decided that wasn't enough. If only there was a way to combine the
might of all the pokemon into one? The obvious answer was Ditto,
the transforming pokemon, but Ditto is so rare that this method was
not feasible. Maybe technology is the answer? I studied physics and
robotics in college, and almost became a technician rather that a
police officer. If I can find a way to combine the powers of pokemon...
why, I just may be unstoppable.
Just last week I made a breakthrough discovery. By studying the inner
workings of the pokeball, I have devised a way to alter storage and
modify how the pokemon are released from their storage. I used the
method that converts pokemon into electronic signals that allows them
to be transported via pc and stored in a pokeball to create a way to
release only portions of the pokemon, such as the horn of a Nidoran,
or the claw of a Scyther, a pokemon I have. I rigged together a
prototype model of the design I had in mind. I welded together the
modified pokeballs so that they made a kind of metal lump. Not too
pretty, but it was only a prototype. The idea was to release only the
legs of my Doduo, the arms of my Scyther, the wings of my Fearrow and
the head of my Growlithe. What I got was an unbalanced, stumbling
monstrosity that could breathe fire, run fast, and slash with its claws...
but it was so uncoordinated that it could hardly stand upright or
breathe fire without falling over. I scrapped that model. I need to
devise something with better guidance. But what?
The idea hit me. What better to coordinate the actions of a pokemon,
than its trainer? If I could craft something that allowed me to utilize
the powers of my pokemon, guiding them in battle... why, that would be
perfect. I am now working on a gauntlet-like glove as a test. My Scyther
will be stored in a small compartment and will lend me his claw through
a slot in the glove. I hope this works.
Success! The Scyther glove worked perfectly! All Scyther had to do was
stick out his claw, and I could swing it around like a weapon. In my
excitement, I kind of destroyed some of my furniture, however. I am
beginning to work on an entire suit, armed with the powers of six
(the standard number, since you cannot have more than six at once) of
my pokemon. But which six should I choose?
I have completed the full suit now. I decided to use my Bellsprout,
Drowzee, Growlithe, Scyther, Fearrow, and Snorlax. Why Snorlax?
Well, I have built up his experience, and he has learned a powerful new
attack, an eye laser.... I also thought of a secret technique I could
use in an emergency. It could come in useful, and I carry a pokeflute
just in case. My gloves are built so that each can release Scyther's claws,
and my right glove can fire a gout of flame if Growlithe sticks out his mouth.
My goggles are built so that they can fire Drowzee's sleep attack, and
Snorlax's eye laser. My backpack carries all of my pokemon in storage other
than Scyther and Growlithe, who are in the gloves, and can also be used
to extend Fearrow's wings and Bellsprout's vines. Tests have all been
successful, I can swing and burn things and put people to sleep, and even fly!
...But as yet, I haven't been tested in battle yet. I must do this right away,
if I expect to go up against Team Rocket. By the way, I registered my patent
with Silph Co. So that no one could steal the design, though no design is not
yet on file. I must test it first.

A sketch of Ed Harris, done by Stryker-X.
* * * * *
"Come on you guys. Stop arguing." Brock complained. Ash, Misty,
and Brock were in Fuchsia City, and on their way to the Pokemon Center
after a long journey.
"He started it." Whined Misty.
Ash stuck out his tongue.
Across the street, Ed Harris exited the grocery store. That couldn't
be... It must be! I've seen his picture in the paper a few times...
Could it be that Ash guy?
"Excuse me!" He huffed, nearly dropping his groceries as he rushed
to meet them. "You wouldn't be Ash Ketchem, would you?"
"That's me!"
"I'd like to challenge you to a battle... if you don't mind."
"A battle? ...Sure! I never refuse a battle!"
"Pika-Pika!" Pikachu agreed.
"Uh... Ash? We have to stop at the Pokemon Center, remember?"
Interrupted Brock.
"That's all right. It's on the way to my apartment." Said Harris.
"That's settled then! You're on!" Cried Ash.
* * * * *
"What do you suppose is taking him so long to get ready for the match?"
Brock said, tapping his foot.
"I don't know." Said Misty. "But his apartment is a mess. What
cut his couch in half? And why is that wall scorched?"
"Who cares? Hmmm... maybe I'll start out with Bulbasaur. He hasn't
seen much action lately, and this ought to be easy." Ash said.
"Pika?" Asked Pikachu.
"Don't worry, you can fight the next one." Ash said.
"Don't be so sure of yourself, Ash. This guy may be older, but that
means he has more experience." Brock scolded.
"Okay!" Interrupted a muffled cry from the next room. "Go ahead!
Choose your pokemon!"
"Bulbasaur! I choose you!" Ash cried.
"And I choose.... me!" Announced Harris, emerging from the room in
full battle gear.
"What the?" Asked Ash. The other simply stood there, mouths open.
"Like it?" Harris asked. "I want to test this baby in battle.
Don't go easy on me."
"All right... whatever you're packing, my Bulbasaur can beat it!
Bulbasaur! Vine whip!"
The vine raced towards Harris. He simply raised his fist and yelled
"Growlithe! Flame thrower!"
A small mouth appeared on the back of his hand. "Grrrrrrowllll!"
Howled Growlithe.
A jet of flame exploded outward, burning the vines. They recoiled.
Bulbasaur grimaced in pain. "Is that all you've got?" Ash said.
"Nice try, Bulbasaur! Return! Go Squirtle!"
"Squirtle! Water gun!"
The spray of water caught Harris full in the chest. He was sent flying
backward. Of course, rather than slamming into the wall, Ed was shot
straight through the unfortunately closed window. Glass sprayed outward.
"Uh oh..." Said Brock.
"Oh my..." Gasped Misty.
"Chuuu..." Cried Pikachu.
Ash said nothing, but ran to the window to see if Harris was ok.
They were, after all, 7 stories up. When he got to the window,
he was surprised to see a lack of broken bodies on the ground.
"Fight's not over yet, kid."
Ash looked upward to where he heard the voice. Was he crazy, or
did that guy just sprout wings? Suddenly, a vine shot from the
flying man to wrap around Squirtle. Squirtle was flung off the
balcony, flapping his arms in a vain attempt at tortoise flight.
"Sssssquirrrtle!" He called in terror.
"Call him back, Ash!" Misty cried.
"Squirtle, return!" Now Ash wasn't so sure of himself.
"Hmmm... Go Charmander!"
Charmander appeared on the balcony. "Charm!"
"Use your flamethrower, Charmander!"
Bolts of flame soared towards Harris, but he dodged them easily,
and produced a small flute from his backpack. He played a short
tune while still dodging the fire. "What's he doing?" Asked Misty.
"Watch out, Ash." Warned Brock.
The tune ended. "Snorlax! Eye Laser!"
The blast slammed Charmander into the apartment wall. He lay there
dazed. "Oh no..." Lamented Ash. "Return."
"Go, Butterfree!"
"Knock him out of the sky!" Yelled Ash, angered.
"Scyther... lend me your claws for this one..." Said Harris. Instantly,
a pair of claws protruded from each wrist.
"Ash! You can't let Butterfree go up against that!" Brock yelled.
"He can handle it!" Argued Ash. Moments later, Ash called the severely
beaten Butterfree back.
"You want to play tough? Fine then! Go Pidgeotto!"
"Pidgeotto, dive at him!"
"Hah!" Laughed Harris. "Drowzee! Sleep attack!"
"Drowwwwwzeeee.... Drowwwwwwzeeee."
The sleep waves caught the approaching Pidgeotto head on. Pidgeotto
was still diving... but he was asleep in midair! The pokemon collided
with a building across from Harris' apartment, beak firmly wedged in
the plaster, causing Pidgeotto to vibrate humorously, like an arrow fired
too hard.
"NO!" Yelled Ash. "Pidgeotto! Return!"
Ash turned to regard Pikachu, who watched the match in shocked fascination.
"Pikachu... your our last chance. You've got to beat him!"
Pikachu's look of shock was replaced by one of sheer terror. "PIKA!
Piiiika-Pika! Chu!" He said shaking his head.
"Come on Pikachu! Don't be Pikachicken!"
Pikachu's eyes narrowed dangerously, and Ash found himself lying on
the ground, scorched. "PIKA!" He declared with determination.
Harris watched the spectacle with a chuckle. "Is that ALL you have
left? This should be over with one hit! ...Fearrow, dive!"
Harris soared downward, his right fist forward, Scyther's claw reflecting
the sunlight, as he careened toward Pikachu. Pikachu panicked.
"Chuuu!" Pikachu cried, hunching over and covering his eyes. The world
was suddenly bathed in a fierce, yellow light.
"What the?" Asked Harris. And then he was hit by the thunder bolt.
The shock hurt Harris, but he could take a lot more than that... but what
was this? Fearrow wasn't holding him aloft! He was sti ll heading towards
Pikachu, but in an uncontrolled freefall! And where was Scyther's claw?
Too late to think about that now, as he hit the balcony, narrowly missing
Pikachu, and rolled back into his apartment where he crashed... halfway
through his neighbor's wall. Harris lost consciousness.
* * * * *
"You've got quite a nasty bump..." Said Misty, as they sat in the living
room, moments later.
"Urg... Don't worry about me... I've been through worse. How are my
"They're dazed, but otherwise fine." Concluded Brock.
Harris's pokemon were strewn about the room, knocked senseless, as Ash
inspected the large hole in the wall.
"I think I know what went wrong with my suit. Your Pikachu's electricity
shorted out the circuits, causing my pokemon to be ejected, and leaving me
helpless." Harris guessed.
"That's what seemed to happen." Said Brock. "When you were shocked, all
your pokemon fell with you. It's lucky that they're all ok."
"I'm really sorry about destroying your suit..." Apologized Ash.
"Oh no... don't be sorry. Now I know what kind of improvements to make in
order to perfect it. In a way you helped me more than I thought possible.
I'm very grateful."
Ash's face brightened.
"You three should really visit again sometime... but I've got a lot of work
to do if I want to rebuild this suit! Thanks for the match... you show a lot
of promise, Ash." Harris beamed.
"Thanks, Mr. Harris! We'll be sure to come over next time we're here."
A long good-bye later, Ash and friends were on their way.
* * * * *
Meanwhile, in the alley next to the apartment, a Raticate was poking through
the garbage... Being a real packrat and knowing an item of interest when it
saw one, it pulled out the charred and ruined suit.
"Raticate? Where did you go? ...Butch! Help me find him."
"Yeah, yeah. Wait, there he is. ...Uh. What kind of junk are you dragging
around now?"
* * * * *
Well, I'm awful glad that those kids helped me find that defect rather that
some Team Rocket scum. I've already begun work on my new suit... but I'll
have to find a new place to build it. ...Apparently I've been evicted.
I can't imagine why.
The End
You can contact me at [email protected].
I keep good care of MY apartment. Wait... I don't have an apartment...