Psyduck's Headache
Mankey pounded his fist hard onto Psyduck's head.
"Psy-y-yyyyyy!!!!!!!" Psyduck called. As one would expect, Psyduck,
Misty's accidentally caught pokemon, was battling a trainer.
"Come on Psyduck, use your strong attacks! Disable, now!" Misty yelled
"Psy?" Psyduck said. He couldn't remember what his real power was. So
he just stood there, looking at his master.
"YOU STUPID POKEMON!" Misty yelled. "Oh all right, use your tail whip
attack and get this over with."
"Psyduck!" it answered. It started wiggling it's butt along with it's
tail as it walked backwards toward Mankey. Psydcuk tried to hit it, but the
Mankey grabbed him first and threw him on the ground. "PSY!" Psyduck shouted
in despair.
"Ha, some pokemon that is," laughed the trainer. "It looks like this
fight is almost over!"
Ash, looking on, shouted to Misty, "I think it's headache is bad enough
"You're right," she said. "Psyduck, show it your real power!"
Suddenly, a new set of knowledge overflowed Psyduck's head. He
remembered the incredible psycic powers he really was capeable of. With
that, he began emitting confuse rays from his head.
"Man----key?" The other pokemon said in confusion. It began
spontaniously hurting itself until, finally, it fainted in exhaustion."
"I've gotta hand it to you, that's one strong Psyduck!" the trainer told
Misty while handing her some money.
"Thank you, she said politely. "Good luck with your Mankey!" she called
as he walked away.
Misty started chatting happily with Ash when Brock called to her, "Hey,
take a look at Psyduck!"
Misty looked. Psyduck was glowing white. "ALL RIGHT!!" she exclaimed.
"It's starting to evolve!" Suddenly, though, the glowing stopped. Psyduck
went back to normal.
"PSYDUCK!!" Misty shouted. "Why can't you ever do anything right? You
never use your best attacks, you make a fool out of me, and now you won't
evolve! What is wrong with you?"
"Misty, you know that you can't force a pokemon to evolve until it's
ready," Brock said carefully.
"I know, but I really wanted it to-" Misty began. But she was unable to
finish as the tears came rolling down her cheeks.
"I'm sorry," Brock said to her, comforting her. Ash continued looking
at Psyduck in sympathy. He felt bad for both Misty and Psyduck. It seemed
like a no win situation.
Meanwhile, Psyduck was thinking. All he'd ever wanted was for Misty,
his trainer, to accept him. He really tried his hardest, he really did. It
wasn't his fault that he kept getting headaches. Yet unless he was able to
remember his hardest attacks, Misty yelled and screamed at him. Psyduck
began silently crying. He realized that he needed to evolve. He began
turning white, yet again.
Ash, who had continued watching Psyduck the entire time, tapped Misty on
the shoulded. "Misty-"
"Don't bother me, I'm busy crying," she muttered.
"Misty- You have to look!" he cried to her.
Misty looked up. She saw herself staring at what was now a Golduck.
"Golduck," it said proudly.
Misty's tears stopped immediately. "I'm so proud of you Psyduck- I mean
Golduck," she said, giving him a hug.
"Congratulations, Misty," Brock said. "You can see now that Psy-Golduck
loves and trusts you. Your feelings meant so much to him that he evolved for
"Oh, Golduck, I'll never yell at you again!" Misty cried.
"Gol Gol Golduck'" it said, happy for the first time in his life. It
had turned out that evolving was the best thing that had happened to him. He
had gained the love and respect of his trainer. Golduck was sleeker and had
more powers. And, best of all, he no longer had a headache.
You can contact me at [email protected].
Oh please, oh please let there be a Snorlax in this story...