The Corbin Legends
Corbin Trinity, the son of Jason Trinity and Vicki Gotem, was an 11
year old boy living in Fushia City. He was supposed to get his Pokemon
license a year ago but a severe case of pneumonia kept him from his
dream of being the new Pokemon League Champion. The current champion,
his father, was always pushing Corbin to pick a Pikachu as his starting
Pokemon. Pikachus weren't Corbin's thing, besides now that Pikachu were
made famous by the Great Ash Ketchum they were rare and it would
probably be stolen from him. His other choices were Charmander,
Squirtle, and Bulbasaur. Corbin always like his dad's Charizard so he
thought he would choose a Charmander. Then again most trainers used fire
Pokemon so maybe a Squirtle would be better. Then AGAIN most trainers
thought the same thing so maybe he could choose a bulbasaur to wipe out
those pesky water Pokemon. Oh man! Corbin was confused. Maybe Corbin's
best friend Talon could help. Corbin went downstairs and picked up the
phone. He dialed Talon's number and his mom answered.
"Oh, hello Corbin. Talon isn't here now can I take a message?" she
"No, oh wait! Is Jacob there?"
"Yes, he's here hold on." A few moments later Talon's older brother,
Jacob, answered the phone.
"Hiya, squirt. How is everything?"
"Fine. Jacob, what Pokemon did you choose when you irst started
"Oh, well I was planning on getting a Charmander because fire rules. It
turns out the Professor had run out of Carmanders and Bulbasaurs so I
had to get a Squirtle."
"Oh, so you wanted a Charmander but ended up with a Squirtle. Thanks
Jacob. Bye."
"No problem short fry." Corbin hung up the phone. That still didn't
solve his problem. He knew Talon started with a Charmander that was now
a Charmeleon who was a bout two levels away from becoming a Charizard.
His other friend, Lex, had just started training a week ago had a
Bulbasaur. His girlfriend, Arielle, had chosen a Charmander. Well I
guess it's time to stop stalling I've gotta go to Mr. Opera's Lab.
Corbin grabbed his jacket and walked out the door. He jumped on his bike
and started his 15 minute ride to Mr. Opera's Lab. On his way he saw a
glint of red in the grass. He stopped his bike short and crawled into
the grass to search for the whatever was in the grass.
'Mander, Char!' Corbin heard. Oh my gosh! No It couldn't be. It is! I
was a Charmander! Corbin slowly reached to the ground and picked up a
rock. He conked the Charmander in the head and it turned around.
'Char?' Corbin threw a Pokeball at it and the ball rolled a few times
but it got loose. The Charmander broke into a run but it's short legs
couldn't run very fast. Corbin caught it easily. He picked the Pokemon
up and he rubbed it's forehead. This move was taught to him by his mom.
The Charmander began to fall asleep. When the Charmander was fully
asleep Corbin placed it on the ground. He dropped a ball on it's head
and it was caught!
"Hooray! I can't believe I caught a wild Charmander!" With a grin on
his face he continued his journey to the Lab. When he got there Lex was
waiting for him.
"Hey Corbin, did you choose which pokemon you're going to start with?
Oh before you choose I want you to have this." Lex handed Corbin a
"What is it?" ask Corbin
"Open it and see," replied Lex. Corbin threw down the ball and a
Bulbasaur came out. "Yeah, I decided training wasn't for me. I've always
wanted to be a scientist so I'm going to study with Mr. Opera. I'm going
to use Chansey since I want a Pokemon that can help me with
"Thank you Lex! You are really a pal!" Then Mr. Opera strolled in from
the back room.
"Ah Corbin whitch Poke..."
"SQUIRTLE!" Corbin cut him off.
"Well, I guess someone knows what they want. Ha ha." Mr. Opera handed
Corbin a bright new Pokeball, a few extra balls, and his laminated
Pokemon license. Corbin looked at his license. Corbin Orion Trinity.
Official Pokemon Trainer, it read.
"Thanks Mr. Opera. Well I'd better be going."
"See ya Corb," said Lex. Corbin walked outside and rode back home with
three new Pokemon.
* * *
The next day Corbin stepped outside with a backpack full of supplies,
ready for his first day of training. Arielle came up and hugged him.
"Finally we get to start training."
"Yeah," a voice said. They turned around and saw Talon there.
Chapter 2
"Talon, where were you?"
"I went to Mr. Opera's but I was too early. So I went to build up my
new oddish. When I got back you were gone."
"Oh," Arielle said, "Well Talon are you coming with us to help along a
couple of beginers?" Arielle was supposed to start training 7 months ago
but she decided to stay with Corbin.
"Yeah, I'll go along with you."
"Thanks Talon." Corbin said.
"Bye the way Corb, what Pokemon did you choose?" said Talon. Corbin
smiled and pulled out three balls.
"Pokeballs Go!" His three brand new Pokemon appeared alongside each
"Suirt, Char, Saur!" They said.
"Wow," said Arielle "how did you get all three of them?"
"Well, first I found this Charmander in the grass. Then Lex gave me his
Bulbasaur. The I chose Squirtle as my begining Pokemon."
"Cool," Talon said, "Well when are we leaving?"
"I guess tomorrow," Arielle said.
"Fine with me." The guys said in unision. Corbin was kind of
dissapointed because he wanted to start today but he didn't really care.
Corbin walked into his house with his Pokemon, Talon, and Arielle
following. He glanced at his clock, 6 o'clock, He still had time to
explore the grassy area outside the town. He opened his chest and got
the three Pokeballs he had had for a while now. Then he grabbed the
custom silver Pokedex he got for his 11th birthday. Then Talon said he
had to meet someone and Arielle had to go home. So Corbin was all alone.
He didn't care. He had his Pokemon with him.
"Come on guys. Let's go explore." They all walked out the the house,
the Pokemon chattering to each other.
"Char, Charmander, mander, char." (I like Corbin. He's better than my
old trainer, Zaid, he abandoned me)
"Squirt, Squirtle, tle." (Oh, that's harsh. Yeah I like Corbin too, but
humans can be unpredictable.)
"Saur saur bulb a." (What levels are you guys? I'm level 7.)
"Char." (9)
"Tle" (6). Corbin had barely been walking in the grass when he spotted
a Pidgey.
"All right!," Corbin said, "Charmander I choose you!" Charmander jumped
in front of the Pidgey. "Charmander Ember attack now!" Charmander opened
it's mouth and a small stream of fire hit the Pidgey and it stumbled
back, but the Pidgey must have been a highh level because it got right
back up. It used quick attack and Charmander was badly hurt. Charmander
used ember again and the Pidgey used gust and Charmander fainted.
"Pidge," It said, and it started to glow with a white aura.
"I'ts evolving!" Corbin yelled. The now Pidgeotto was preaning it's
wings. "Bulbasaur I choose you now. Leech Seed!" Bulbasaur spit three
seeds from it's bulb and the were planted on Pidgeotto's back.
"Bulbasaur tackle!" Pidgeotto tried to use gust but his attack missed.
Bulbasaur tackled the bird and leech seed sapped it. "All right it
should be weak now," said Corbin as he reached into his pocket,
"Pokeball GO!" He threw the Pokeball the Pidgeotto and it was sucked
into the ball. It wiggled a little but then the ball was still. "YES!"
Corbin yelled as he jumped into the air. As Corbin was about to put
Charmander back into his ball a kid about his age but much taller and
stronger, came out of nowhere.
"Hey there, what ya got in the ball?"
"It's my new Pidgeotto."
"You mean MY new Pidgeotto," He said as he picked up Corbin's Pokeball.
"Hey! That's mine!" Corbin rushed over but was greeted with a punch in
the right eye. "Oof," Corbin moaned as he hit the ground. Charmander
opened his eyes and saw the other boy.
"CHAR?!" (ZAID?!)
"Ah, my old pathetic Charmander. Tell ya what kid. If you beat me in a
one on one battle you can have your dumb bird. Deal?"
"I guess I have no choice, Deal. I choose you Squirle."
"Squirt!" (Sure thing,")
"Ha ha ha ha, okay then I choose you Exeggcute."
"cute cute" (Your goin' down)
"Squirtle squirt" (Bring it fool.) Corbin got out his Pokedex and
scanned the Exeggcute, he found it was level 41.
"Crap," Corbin said, "Squitle tackle!"
"Exeggcute, hypnosis" Exeggcute's eyes began to spin putting Squirtle
to sleep. "Barrage!" One hit and Squirtle was gone.
"Looks like the bird is mine," said the boy, "See ya round, rookie,"
The boy walked away laughing.
Chapter 3
"Corbin where were you, Oh! and what happened to your eye?!"
"I was out trying to train. I ran into a problem. Actually my eye ran
into a problem"
"Anyway get some ice on that. Oh yeah, Arielle called she asked what
time she should show. I told her around 8 thirty."
* * *
That night Corbin had a dream. He dreamed he was facing the Elite Four.
He sent out a Charizard and the opponents sent out a Dewgong.
"Charizard, Flamethrower!"
"Dewgong Aurora Beam!" The Dewgond did and the beam hit Charizard.
Charizard fell to the ground, lifeless.
"CHARIZARD NO!" Corbin woke up in a cold sweat. He saw his Charmander
safe and sound at the foot of his bed and he went back to sleep.
* * *
The next day Talon and Arielle were waiting at his door at 8:30
"Whoa, Champ. You don't look so good." said Talon.
"Had a bad dream."
"No, I mean your eye! What happened?"
"Oh, I, uh, tripped," Corbin lied.
"Oh," said Arielle, "Anyway, are you ready for your first day of real
"Ready as ever." Corbin checked his backpack. 8 pokeballs, his license,
three potions, three antidotes, a blue sleeping bag, and two sets of
spare clothes. The backpack didn't quite fit so he decided to wear it on
his back, above his pack. They started walking north, towards the safari
zone. All together they had 1500. Just enough for three tickets. They
walked up to the entrance and saw a 'Closed for Repair' sign.
"Crud," Corbin said, he thought he could have caught a new pokemon
before the tram to Pallet came along.
"Well, now we have an hour to kill," said Arielle.
"I'm going to challenge some of those fisherman over there. I don't
think you two could handle them yet. Your welcome to watch." said Talon.
"Sounds good to me," said Corbin. They walked over to the pier where
Talon challenged a husky fisherman.
"I choose you Magikarp!" yelled the fisherman.
"Go Oddish!" said Talon.
"Magikarp tackle!" The Magikarp obeyed and knocked the young oddish
down. It was now at half strengh.
"Oddish absord!" The little plant drained magikarp to three fourths
"Magikarp tackle!" Corbin whipped his pokedex from his belt and scanned
'Magikarp, level 19 knows splash and tackle. Evolves at level 20.'
"Uh, oh," Corbin mumbled. He tried to warn Talon but it was too late.
The Magikarp has defeated Oddish and gained enough experience to advance
a level and evolve. It glowed white for a second and grew into the giant
"Oh CRAP!" said Talon. He looked at his options and found the only
other Pokemon he had with his was Charmeleon.
"Go Charmeleon." The Fisherman got out a little metal box and placed it
on Gyrados' head. A green glint in Gyrados' eyes told Corbin it had just
learned a new move. But what was it?
"Charmeleon slash"
"Gyrados water gun!" Charmeleon used slash and since it was a much
higher level it almost wiped out all of it's energy. Then the Gyrados
opened it's mouth and a burst of water came out knocking Charmeleon out
cold. With no more Pokemon opponents the Gyrados looked at Talon and
began an attack on the scared Talon...
Chapter 4
Corbin looked over to the fisherman to see if he was going to call back
his Pokemon but the fisherman was laughing. Corbin thought fast. He knew
one more hit would wipe out the Gyrados. He reached to his belt and got
"Go Squirtle, Tackle him now!" Squirtle leaped on Gyrados and knocked
him in the head. The giant dragon-like pokemon was down for the count.
Three blue glints in Squirtle's eyes told him that Squirtle had gone up
three levels. Then a green glint told him he had learned Bubble.
"Great job Squirtle!" Corbin laughed. Talon walked over to Corbin and
said Thanks. Then he walked over to the fisherman and puched him in the
eye for not calling off his Gyrados. Then the three walked back to the
Pokemon center to get Talon's Pokemon healed. While they were there
Talon withdrew four Pokemon from the computer. They still had about 45
mintues before the tram came. Corbin was wondering what levels Talon's
Pokemon were at so he asked Talon to put them all out of their
Pokeballs. Talon had Charmeleon lvl 34, Oddish lvl 13, Dugtrio lvl 37,
Vaporeon lvl 29, Farfetch'd lvl 31, Pikachu lvl 33. Arielle had a level
14 Charmander and a level 16 Pidgey. Arielle searched her backpack and
found her camera and collapsable tripod. She set it up and took a
picture of all of them with their Pokemon. Seeing Arielle's Pidgey
reminded him of his old Pidgeotto. He shook his head to forget it. He
decided since they had nothing to do they could fight each other. First
he wanted to pit his Charmander against Talon's Oddish.
"Oddish Absorb!"
"Charmander Ember!" The little Oddish jumped on Charmander and sucked a
little bit of health from him. Then Charmander blasted fire from it's
mouth. The Oddish was burned and Talon withdrew it.
"All right!" Corbin said. The It was Squirtle vs. Pidgey. Pidgey won
and gained a level. After the had healed their Pokemon the three friends
walked to the nearest mart. Arielle had her film developed and they each
bought three more Pokeballs. Then Arielle had the picture of all of them
framed with a silver frame. They now had 15 minutes before the tram
came. They decided to explore the grassy area outside of Fushia. They
walked around until Corbin spotted a Spearow.
"Bulbasaur go!" he shouted.
"Bulbasaur tackle!" The Spearow pecked Bulbasaur as he leaped into the
air. Then Bulbasaur tackled the Spearow.
"Leech Seed" Spearow pecked Bulbasaur again and three seeds popped out
of Bulbasaur's Bulb.
"Tackle!" The seeds sapped Spearow and Bulbasaur tackled it.
"Pokeball Go!" The Ball flew through the air and caught the Spearow
inside. The light went out almost immediatly.
"Hooray!" Corbin had caught his fourth Pokemon.
"Great job, Corb," Talon said smiling. Arielle hugged Corbin and
smiled. They went to the center to heal Spearow and Bulbasaur. Then the
heard the rumbling of the tram.
"Hey, that's a first," Arielle said, "a tram that comes early." The
boarded the tram to Pallet and took their seats. There were only two
seats together so Arielle and Corbin took those. Talon took a seat by
himself in the next car. They were going through a tunnel under the
waters near Cinnibar Island when the power went out. Over the intercom a
male voice came through.
"Prepare for trouble," A second male voice, deeper than the other one
came through.
"And make it double"
"To protect the world from devastation"
"To unite all peoples within our nation"
"To denounce the evils of truth and love"
"To extend our reach to the stars above"
"Team Shadow slip away into the dark of night"
"Be aware now or prepare for fright."
"Hitmonlee!" Three figures appeared two teens and a Hitmonlee.
"Team Shadow?" asked Corbin.
"That's right little boy Team Shadow here, hand over your Pokemon."
"No way!" said Arielle.
"Fine then I'll take you little girl." Raz grabbed Arielle opened the
door, and jumped into the tunnel.
"CORBIN!" Arielle screamed. Corbin got up but got kicked in the gut by
Hitmonlee. Corbin stumbled back and into his seat. Stryker collected the
other Pokemon from the people in the car and jumped out as well,
followed by Hitmonlee.
Chapter 5
Talon had heard the noise from the other car. He looked out his window
and saw a boy running dragging along a familiar girl.
"Arielle!" Talon gasped. He opened the door and jumped out after the
boy. He chased them through the twisted tunnels deep underground. All
Talon could make out of the man was that he was wearing a black shirt
with a red S on it. Just before Talon could run no more he saw the boy
drag Arielle onto a teleportation pad. Talon jumped onto the pad. He
found himself in a room witha golden S in the middle of the room. He
ducked under a desk to survey the area. Then the teleportation pad
glowed and another boy and a Hitmonlee came through.
"Hey Raz, where are you?"
"Hit lee?"
"I'm in the back with the girl."
"The girl!? You were supposed to get the boy! He is the one with the
device you idiot!"
"Damn right Oops! The boss is gunna kill us!"
"What do you want with Corbin?" asked Arielle
"Ah, so you do know the boy."
"I happen to be his girlfriend."
"Ah, perfect." said Stryker, "bait."
*� *� *� *
Late that night Talon snuck into the room where they were holding
Arielle. He lightly tapped her on the shouler. She woke up and her eyes
lit up.
"Talon! How did you get here?"
"Shhh, I followed that clown in black." While Talon untied her a figure
approached. He snuck up on Talon.
"HITMONLEE!" It jumped up and kicked Talon in the head knocking him
out. Arielle jumped up and onto the teleportation pad. She ran and ran.
With it's long legs it caught her easily. She stumbled back and
something fell out of her pack. The Hitmonlee dragged her back and
handed her over the Team Shadow once again.
*�� *�� *�� *
Corbin was in a Pokemon Center when he woke up.
"Wha, where am I?" he asked.
"You're in the Pokemon Center in Cinnibar Island." said Nurse Joy.
"Talon, Arielle where are they?"
"There were two people missing when the tram was evacuated. Maybe they
got off before Team Shadow could get them." Then Corbin remembered how
Team Shadow had kidnapped Arielle. He leaped to his feet and ran out the
"Where are you going?!"
"To save my girlfriend!"
*� *� *� *
Corbin was searching through the twisted tunnels of the tram corridors
when something glinted in the dark. He walked closer and saw that it was
the picture of them. Corbin choked back tears at the thought of
something horrible happening to his friends. He knew he was close. He
walked a few steps further and he saw a teleportation pad. He knew this
must be the way. He stepped on the pad and in a second he was in Team
Shadow HQ.� He saw Arielle and Talon tied up back to back sleeping
soundly. He crepped up to them and lightly kissed Arielle on the cheek.
She slowly opened her eyes.
"Corbin," she smiled, "I knew you would come."
"Hey Talon," Corbin said softly. Talon woke up.
"Hey bud, how'd ya find us?"
"With this," Corbin said as he showed them the picture. Corbin untied
them and they started to sneak out. MEANWHILE: Stryker was sitting up in
his bed he had heard a noise. He crept out of bed and his his trainer
belt. He woke up Raz and they peeked outside. They saw the three step
onto the pad and escape.
"Ahhh, damn it!" They ran to the pad and were in the tunnels. Corbin
and Taolon were poised outside holding Pokeballs.
"A proposition for you gentlemen," Talon said, "Beat me in a match and
you'll get whatever you want from us."
"And if you win?"
"We go free!" Corbin replied.
"Deal ya little punks." Stryker said. Talon got his Pokeball and threw
it to the ground.
"Farfetch'd!" It said. Stryker threw his ball to the ground.
"Scyther!!!" the Pokemon yelled. The battle was about to begin.
Chapter 6
In Celadon City a man was sitting in his living room. He dialed a
number on the phone and a boy answered.
"Is that how you answer the phone, son?"
"Oh, hi dad. What?"
"Just wanted to say hi, by the way how is that Charmander I gave you?"
"That crappy thing? I left that in a field somewhere!"
"You WHAT?!? That Charmander had the main chip to the Team Rocket
datafiles implanted on it's foot! You idiot, Team Shadow probably
already knows. Argh!"
"Geez, sorry dad, didn't think it meant that much."
"No time for apologies, we need that chip!"
*� *� *� *��
� Back in the tunnels, Farfetch'd had defeated Scyther. Four more
Pokemon to go.
Stryker sent out Magmar. Talon sent out Vaporeon. One water gun and the
Magmar was gone.
"One last ball, I choose you MEW!" Everyone including Raz stood there
"Why didn't you tell me you had a mew?" asked Raz.
"Because if I told you would want one too and other people will find
out and want mews too."
"Oh," Talon thought hard. What could defeat this Mew?
"Dugtrio!, I choose you! Dig now!" The Dugtrio vanished into the
"Mew Mega Punch!" The Mew just looked at Stryker knowing there was
nothing to hit. Then the Dugtrio popped up from the ground and knocked
the mew down.
"Mew, Metronome!" The Mew swayed back and forth and then flew up high.
"Dugtrio Dig once more!" The Mew came flying down at Dugtrio but
Dugtrio was already gone. The Mew crashed to the ground, then Dugtrio
came up once more and the Mew fainted.
"All right Talon!" Corbin said giving him a high five.
"Excellent skill," Arielle said. Before Team Shadow could say anything
Talon got a red rope from his backpack, it sprand upward and the three
grabbed on to it. It led them back to Cinninbar Island Pokemon Center.
Talon gave Dugtrio, Farfetch'd, and Vaporeon to the nurse to heal them.
Then they sat down and ordered a late night snack, it had been a long
night. Then they all got their sleeping bags and fell asleep.
*��� *�� *
When they woke up Talon got his Pokemon and they ate breakfast. As they
were finishing, a girl with long brown hair and green eyes walked in.
Talon sat there staring at the girl. He had never seen a more beautiful
girl in his life. The girl handed the nurse six Pokeballs and sat down.
Talon walked over to her and said hello.
"Hi," the girl said," my name is Sheri, what's yours?"
"I'm Talon, Talon Quadrant."
"Nice to meet you Talon, after my Pokemon are healed, want to have a
"Uh, Sure" Talon said smiling. They sat there talking for a few minutes
when the nurse brought over Shei's Pokeballs.
"Okay let's go!" They walked outside. Corbin and Arielle wondered where
he was going to the followed him.
"You call first!" Sheri called.
"Okay, Charmeleon I choose you!"
"Me, char!"
"Okay then, go Staryu!"
"Charmeleon slash attack!"
"Staryu water gun!" Charmeleon slashed right into the gem on it's
stomach, then Staryu pointed an arm and a stream of water came out.
Charmeleon dodged it.
"Charmeleon Seismic toss!" Charmeleon picked up and slammed Staryu and
it fainted.
"Looks like I win this one," Talon said. Then there was a blue glint in
Charmeleon's eyes. He was now level 35.
"How 'bout one more?" Sheri asked, "I'll call first!"
"Fine with me," Talon called back.
"GO Kadabra!"
"Uh, oh. GO Pikachu!"
"Kadabra Confusion!"
"Pikachu Thunderbolt!" A Stream of electricity ran to the Kadabra, it
fell to the ground, paralyzed.
"I got lucky on that one," Talon said.
"Yeah, lucky." She said frowning. They all were heading back to the
Center when Corbin tripped over a rock. He fell to the ground in front
of another rock. This rock was wierd, it had a spiral in it. Corbin
decided it looked cool so he took in in his pack.
Corbin showed the rock to Nurse Joy.
"Looks like a fossil," she said, "you should take it over to the lab
nextdoor." Corbin walked nextdoor and rang a bell on the large door.
"Who is it?" a voice said.
"My name is Corbin, I think I have a fossil here."
"A fossil! Why didn't you say so?"
"I just did." The large door opened and Corbin walked in. A tall man in
a white coat and glasses was waiting.
"Let me see that fossil!"� Corbin handed over the rock.
"Ah, an Omanyte!"
"A what?"
"An Omanyte an extinct Pokemon. I will resurect it for you! Ih, but the
machine is on the fritz so It may come out to be a low level."
"Oh, I don't care most of my Pokemon are!"
"Well it'll take some time, be back here in a half hour!"
"Okay," Corbin said as he walked out the door.
To Be Continued....
You can contact me at [email protected].
Oh please, oh please let there be a Snorlax in this story...