Warning! The information on this page MAY not be factual, as some
may not be from reliable sources... but everyone loves a good rumor.
Rumors! -The Video Games
1)SMASH BROTHERS: The new Nintendo fighting game will include such classic characters as Mario, Donkey Kong, Link, Yoshi, and Samus Aran(Metroid), and others like Fox (Starfox), Kirby, and of course, the ultra-popular Pikachu. There will also be 4 secret characters, such as the too-cute Jigglypuff, Captain Flacon (F-Zero), Ness (Earthbound), and Luigi. Other Pokemon are to appear at random in certain stages, including... guess who? SNORLAX!!!
2)GOLD AND SILVER: The new Gameboy games are supposed to include more pokemon (rumors vary, some say 50, others 100, and a couple say as much as 400) with both male and female species members (Nidoran, anyone?) so that they can mate (ooooh, naughty...) and produce young. Also included is the rumor of night and day sequences and pokemon with varied life cycles. Sounds interesting.
3)POKEMON STADIUM: The 64 version of Pokemon was supposed to originally include all 151 pokemon, but it is said that only around 40 are present, but they are in 3d and look very cool. Unfortunatly, Pokemon Stadium is not set to release in North America, but Pokemon Stadium 2, with all 151 Pokemon, will be out sometime this year. Below is a screenshot of (tee hee!) me.

You can contact me at [email protected].
...And then they brought in a soccer player to kick Pikachu! What a
bunch of jerks!