Nick’s Pokemon Journey
(Nick)Lets see... I’ll need my baggy blue jeans,some shots-sleeve shirts,some sweaters,some shorts,my hats,and my Game Boy.
(Narrator)Nick is getting ready for his pokemon journey which takes place tomorrow morning.
(Nick’s mom)Nick!Come out in the living room.And close your eyes.
(Nar.)Nick closed his eyes and bumped into a few walls and his sister opened a door and knocked Nick down.
(Wearily,Nick)Mom,it would be safer for me if I kept my eyes open.
(Mom)all right,just hurry up.
(Nar.)Nick walked in the living room with Buddy(his dog) following.Nick found a backpack on the couch.
(Nick)Thanx mom!I’ll need a back pack to put my stuff in.
(Mom)Look inside!
(Nar.)Nick found a sash for holding pokeballs,a cell phone,6 empty pokeballs,and a strange yellow & white pokeball which seemed to be occupied.
(Mom)Open it!
(Nick)Go pokeball!!!
(Nar.)The ball opened and out came a Pikachu!
(Nick)A pikachu!I love him already~Oh hi Pika...
(Nick almost picked up pikachu like Ash did in the first episode)Wait I remember what happened when Ash picked up Pikachu without greeting it and I ain’t getting shocked!!!Pikachu come here and sniff my hand.
(Nar.)Pikachu sniffed Nick,cooed ,and went up to Nick’s head and took his hat and Pikachu put the hat on himself,backwards.
(Mom)Isn’t that cute?
(Nick)Ok pikachu you can have that hat.I’ll get another one for myself.By the way,Pikachu, meet my dog Buddy.
(Nar.)Pikachu sniffed Buddy and Buddy licked Pikachu,Paralizing Pikachu(like a ghost move lick).
(Nick)Buddy!Sorry Pikachu!I didn’t know Buddy’s lick hurt you.Buddy didn’t mean it.Its time to go to bed, Pikachu.Good Night Mom!
(Mom) night.Set your alarm!
(Nick’s bedroom)
Pikachu,if the alarm goes off and I don’t get up give me a little shock,k?
(Nick)All right now lets go to sleep.
(Narrator)Nick’s alarm went off and woke up Pikachu but not Nick so Pikachu shocked Nick and made Nick jump so high he hit his head on the ceiling.Then Nick went and took a shower,got dressed,made himself and Pikachu Breakfast,and headed out to Prof. Oak’s Lab.On his way out of the house his dog followed him.
(Nick)Sorry Buddy but you have to stay here!
(Mom) why don’t you take him with you?You need some company.
(Nick)Really?(Shouting to her)Thanx Mom!I’ll call you when I get my pokemon!
(Nar)Pikachu rode on top of Buddy and the trio went to Prof. Oak’s Lab.
(Oak’s Lab)
(Prof. Oak)Hi Nick!Early today aren’t you?I see you got a pokemon but I’ll give you a pokemon any way.
(Nick)Thanks Prof. Oak!
(Oak)I see you brought you’re dog that’s very smart of you to do that.If your pokemon are fainted,He could protect you.I’m very proud of you.I wish you do better then Gary.He should be coming soon and Ash should too.Anyway pick your pokemon:Bulbasaur, Squirtle, or Charmander?
(Nick) I’ll take Charmander.
(Oak)Good choice.It’s good with your pikachu.Also would you like a TM for your dog?
(Nick)My dog?!?
(Oak)Yes,your dog.Animals can go in pokeballs and can learn TMs and HMs.
(Nick)Cool!I’ll take it .What is the TM?
(Oak)Here.(hands the TM to Nick)Its take down!
(Nick)Buddy stand still,(puts Tm on Buddy)It shouldn’t hurt.(TM dissapears)Ok Buddy,Use take down on the wall!
(Nar.)Buddy made a crack in the wall.
(Nick)Sorry Professor.I wanted to try it out.
(Oak)That’s all right Nick.It doesn’t matter.Also if you find a TM with reflect teach Buddy since he isn’t a pokemon.Every time he uses it his defense will go up and stay up.
(Nick)Ok.I’ll contact you whn I get more pokemon.
(Oak)Wait for your Pokedex.(tosses pokedex to Nick)
(Nick)Thanx Prof. Oak.Bye!
(Narrator)This is only the beginning of Nick’s adventure!Who knows what will happen next time to Nick,Buddy,and Pikachu.Find out next time.
Chapter Two
(Narrator) When we last left Nick, he got Pikachu from his mom, Charmander from Prof. Oak, and his dog followed him. We are now outside of Prof. Oak’s lab where Nick is talking to his mom.
(Nick) Hi mom!
(Mom) Hi sweetie! Who did you pick for your pokemon?
(Nick) I picked Charmander.
(Mom) Charmander? He’s a little weird, isn’t he?
(Nick) No. He’s good. I love him already. You should see him.
(Mom) Well this is a picture cell phone. You could show me now.
(Nick) This is a picture cell phone?
(Mom) Yeah. Just press the purple button on the right.
(Nick) (Pushes button) Got it. Go Charmander! (Charmander comes out)
(Charmander) Char! Char?
(Nick) Oops. I forgot to introduce myself to you. I’m your trainer and I want to welcome you to my group.
(Charmander) (Happily) Char!
(Nick) See him Mom?
(Mom) Hey he’s cute!
(Charmander) (Embarrassed) Charmander.
(Nick) Meet my Pikachu and my dog, Buddy!
(Nar.) Charmander starts a conversation with Pikachu and Buddy.
(Mom) They seem happy! Well call me later, okay?
(Nick) Okay mom. Bye! (Turns off cell phone) Well, everybody, ready to go?
(Pikachu) (In agreement) Pi-ka!
(Charmander) (In agreement) Char!!!
(Buddy) (In agreement) Ruff!
(?) Not so fast!!!
(Nick) (Growls) Leo! What the hell do you want?!?
(Leo) A pokemon match! Your pokemon and dog look wimpy!
(Pikachu, Charmander, and Buddy)(Growling at Leo) grrrr!
(Nick) Let’s Battle!!!
(Leo) Go Squirtle!!!
(Nick) Go Pikachu!!!
(Leo) Squirtle tackle it!
(Nick) Pikachu, Thundershock!!!
(Nar) Squirtle gets hurt badly while Pikachu is hurt barely.
(Leo) Stupid Squirtle!!! Attack!
(Nick) You shouldn’t let your Squirtle attack in its condition!
(Leo) Mind your own f**kin business!
(Nick) Pikachu go easy on it and use Static bolt!
(Pikachu)(Confusingly) Pika? Chuuu. (Tiny static bolt hits Squirtle)
(Nar) Squirtle pretends to faint. Leo and Nick don’t know that Squirtle is faking it.
(Nick) Oh no! Is it ok?
(Leo) It better be! (Returns Squirtle) You were just lucky that Squirtle sucks.
(Nick) Squirtle could be tough if you work at it.
(Leo) Shut up!!! I’m outta here! (Leaves)
(Nick) I hate him!!! Do you guys hate Leo?
(Nar) Nick’s pokemon and Buddy nod in agreement.
(Nick) Well time to get back in your pokeballs. Charmander, Pikachu return.(Charmander and Pikachu return to their pokeballs) We better get a move on if we wanna catch some pokemon. Let’s go to Viridian Forest!
(At the entrance of Viridian Forest)
(Nick) Lets look for pokemon! Pikachu, Charmander come out!(Pokemon come out)
(Pikachu) Pi-ka!
(Charmander) Char!
(Nick) Look for pokemon. Yell when you find one.
(Narrator) Everyone goes looking for pokemon. After awhile, Buddy finds the first pokemon.
(Buddy) Ruff ruff!!
(Nick) You found something? Hold on! Me and the rest of the pokemon are coming.
(Nar) Nick gets to Buddy and finds...
(Nick) A Nidoran (male)!!!Buddy go!!!
(Buddy) Ruff!
(Nick) Buddy bite Nidoran!
(Nar) Buddy bites Nidoran but Nidoran comes back with tackle.
(Nick) Uh oh! Buddy Take down!
(Nar) Buddy uses take down on Nidoran and Nidoran falls back.
(Nick) Pokeball, Go! (Pokeball wiggles a couple times and opens back up) Not weak enough huh. Buddy tail whip!!
(Nar) Buddy weakened Nidoran and Nidoran was weary.
(Nick) Pokeball, GO! (Pokeball hits Nidoran; wiggles once, twice, caught) YES! We’ve caught Nidoran!!!
(Buddy) Ruff! (Stands on hind legs and does a little dance)
(Nick) This is great! Buddy, good job!
(Buddy) (Thankfully) Ruff!
(Nick) Nidoran, come out!
(Nar.) Nidoran comes out and sniffs Nick.
(Nick) Hi Nidoran! I’m your trainer, Nick!
(Nar) Nidoran just stares blankly at Nick.
(Nick) Oh here’s a potion. Sorry if I hurt you. (Gives Nidoran potion)
(Nar) Nidoran gets healed and smiles.
(Nidoran) Nido! Ran-ran.
(Nick) Will ya help us find other pokemon?
(Nidoran) (Nods) Ran.
(Nick) Thanx.
(Nar) Buddy glows.
(Nick) Huh? What’s that?
(Nar) All of a sudden, the Pokedex activates.
(Dex) Your dog grew a level.
(Nick) Say! My dog is 8 yrs. Old .He must be at level 25 or 50.Dex, what level is Buddy now?
(Dexter) Buddy is at level 6. (Nick falls to the ground)
(Nick) Ugh! But he’s 8 years old! Why isn’t he at a higher level?
(Dexter) You probably didn’t train him much.
(Nick) You can talk back?
(Dexter) Of course! I just can’t ask questions.
(Nick) Okay. What level are Pikachu, Charmander, and Nidoran?
(Dexter) Pikachu-Lv.4, Charmander-Lv.5, Nidoran-Lv.4
(Nick) Thanks! (Puts Pokedex in pocket) Now time to find more pokemon!
(Nar) The group goes looking for more pokemon, but no luck. After 2 hours looking, They decided to head into town for a rest.
(Nick) Well guys, we better get out of here. There isn’t any pokemon.
(Nar) All of a sudden, Pikachu spotted something and runs after it.
(Nick) Pikachu come back!
(Nar) Nick, Buddy, Charmander, and Nidoran follow Pikachu to a place where a rainbowish bird is standing, looking for worms. (Not seeing Nick Company)
(Nick) (Whispering) Pikachu we better leave this pokemon alone. It might not be discovered and be at high levels.
(Dexter) Bird at level 55.
(Nick) 55?We gotta get outta here!
(Nar) Nick and his pokemon (and dog) start tip toeing out of the way but Pikachu accidentally steps on Charmander’s tail and burn his foot and screams.
(Pikachu) Pika! (Fastly, running in a circle) Pika! Pika! Pika! Pika! Pika! Chu!
(Nick) Pikachu!
(Nar) But the bird hears them and starts to fly at Nick and picks him up in the air and starts to fly away.
(Nar) Pikachu, Buddy, Charmander, and Nidoran run after Nick but are too slow and flies out of sight.
(Pokemon translator on)
(Pikachu) We gotta do something!
(Nidoran) But, what?
(Buddy) I could try to sniff him out.
(Charmander) He was in the air. You wouldn’t get a strong scent.
(Buddy) Well do you have an idea?
(Charmander) Well just try to sniff him out and we’ll follow.
(Pikachu) How about we catch a flying pokemon? We’d be able to fly to Nick!
(Nidoran) Where are we gonna get a pokeball for it?
(Pikachu) I don’t know?
(Charmander) We’ll see if we can find one for now but lets try sniffing him out.
(Buddy) (Growling) I bet it was that idiot so-called trainer, Leo!
(Pikachu) This is not a time to blame! We gotta find Nick!
(Everyone else) Right!
(Narrator) Will Nick’s pokemon find Nick? Find out next time.
To Be Continued...
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I gotta get me some Kibbles 'n Bits...