What you need to play/Setting up
What you need:
1)A deck of 60 cards

2)A coin to flip, or a dice

3)Glass counters or another way to keep track of numbers (dice, MTG life counters, pencil/paper,etc)

4)A friend to play against

All Right! Once you have everything you need, shuffle your deck and count out 7 cards. This will be your hand, and you can look at these. Next, set aside 6 cards from the top of your deck. These are the 'prizes'. Set them beside your deck without looking at them. Now you are ready to play.

You can contact me at [email protected].
Now, if I tap 3 mana to force drain Duncan MacLeod at King Kai's Pad,
and he responds by evolving his Ace into a 21 while he has the brain....
I go into torpor?