Example of Play
Bob: And my next Pokemon is... Magnemite!
Fred: (snickers) Is THAT all? It has a weakness to fighting pokemon!
Bob: Well... I thought I'd go out with a bang...
Snorlax: Uh Oh.
Fred: Come on. What could he possibly do to win?
Bob: You'll see. Magnemite! Selfdestruct!!!
Fred: (look of puzzlement) You just made yourself lose.
Snorlax: Not so. You lose a pokemon too.
Fred: So? He still needs to get 5 more prizes.
Snorlax: Check your bench. Selfdestruct does ten damage to everything on the bench.
Fred: Uh oh...
Bob: Well? What's going on?
Snorlax: You knocked out all of his benched pokemon. Pick up 6 prizes. You two have a tie game.
Fred: No Way!
Bob: YES! Time for Sudden Death!
Fred: (sob!) No! It's not fair! How could I lose?

Snorlax: Nice work, Bob. That's the best come-from-behind victory I've ever seen.
Snorlax: (Sigh) Here we go again...
Did I miss anything? If so, contact me!
You can contact me at [email protected].
Now, if I tap 3 mana to force drain Duncan MacLeod at King Kai's Pad,
and he responds by evolving his Ace into a 21 while he has the brain....
I go into torpor?