Advanced Rules

Sleep, Confusion, Paralysis, and Poison

Sleep: If your opponent uses an attack that causes your pokemon to fall asleep, your pokemon cannot attack or retreat. At the end of every players turn, flip a coin. If heads, the pokemon wakes up, if tails, it continues to sleep. The picture below shows how to mark if your pokemon is asleep, poisoned, paralyzed, or confused.
Confused: If your pokemon is confused, you must flip a coin every time you try to attack or retreat. If you are trying to retreat, pay the retreat cost and then flip. Heads, you retreat as normal, tails, the retreat fails. If you are trying to attack, flip a coin. Heads, you attack normally, tails, your pokemon attacks itself for 20 hp damage.
Paralyzed: If your pokemon is paralyzed, it cannot attack or retreat. The effect wears off after your opponents next turn.
Poisoned: If your pokemon is poisoned, it takes 10 hp damage after every (this includes your opponents) turn, until cured by another card (full heal for example).
Keep in mind that when you retreat a pokemon, poison, sleep, paralysis, and confusion are all cured. No pokemon can be asleep, paralyzed, or confused all at once. If one condition exists, it is replaced by a new one. A pokemon may, however, be asleep/confused/paralzed and poisoned. Poison is the only condition that may exist along with the others.

Weakness and Resistance

Weakness: If your pokemon has a weakness, it means that attacks made by that type do DOUBLE damage (It's super effective!). For example, Staryu's 'Slap' attack, which normally does 20 hp damage, would do 40 hp damage to Charmander, who is weak against water.
Resitance: If your pokemon has resistance to a certain type, it means that attacks made by that type do normal damage SUBRACT the number beside the resistance symbol (It's not very effective...). For example, when Machoke uses his 'Karate Chop' attack, which normaly does 50 hp damage, on Gastly, it only does 20 hp damage, since Gastly has a resistance of 30 to the fighting type.

I Didn't Get a Basic Pokemon in My Beginning Hand!

Hey, don't worry. Announce this to your opponent and show him your hand. Shuffle your hand into your deck and draw a new hand. Unfortunatly, you opponent may now draw two extra cards into his hand. Repeat as necessary until you get a basic pokemon.

Sudden Death

It is possible for both players to win at the same time (perhaps your opponent's Magnemite selfdestructs, knocking out your active pokemon, and gives you your last prize, but you don't have a pokemon on the bench?). In this event, Sudden Death occurs. Both players start a new game, exactly like any other, except that each player only has one prize card. Whoever wins this wins the game. In the case of another tie, play suden death until a winner is declared.

You can contact me at [email protected].
Now, if I tap 3 mana to force drain Duncan MacLeod at King Kai's Pad,
and he responds by evolving his Ace into a 21 while he has the brain....
I go into torpor?