Part 7: Rocket Takeover
"Okay, Lance, we have downloaded the information you gave us
onto this disk. If you come this way, I will take you to Prof.
William Oaks," said a scientist. Lance was in Oak Labs with Jack and
Pidge. They followed the aide into a huge laboratory.
"So your Lance!" said a young man draped in white. He had
thick, brown hair and looked no older than 30.
"I am Professor William Oaks. I've heard a lot about you and
your Pidgeotto over the radio," said the professor.
"Pleased to meet you, sir," said Lance politely.
"Wow, a descendant of the Oaks family! Have you invented any
cool stuff?" asked Jack.
"Lance, I called you here for a reason," said the pokemon
professor, ignoring Jack's rudeness.
"What reason?"
"I need you to attach this phone model to your Poke' dex so
you can call me any time. If you are as good as your father was, you
may find a new species of pokemon. Also, your father was much hated
by Team Rocket. They may use some technology to try to capture Pidge
(but that would be nearly impossible). I want you to capture an
example of it and explain it to me. You will send the example with
this COMPUTER-SEND module that will attach to your Poke' dex. Here,
I'll put these on right now," said the professor. He put the modules
on the Poke' dex.
"Oh, here's the disk, professor," said the aide.
"We'll be taking that!" said a voice.
"Want some trouble?" asked a female who popped out with a gun.
"Make it double!" said a male who also popped out with a gun.
"Gale!" said the female.
"Rick!" said the male.
"Team Rocket, go!" they both said at the same time.
"What do you want?" asked Jack.
"That disk holds valuable information. We need it," said
Gale. One of the aides began moving towards a red button.
"That won't help! We've seized the whole town! Now, the
disk," said Rick.
"We aren't giving up without a fight! I choose you, Machoke!"
said Lance.
"Bulbasaur, let's go!" said Jack.
"Nice pokemon, but they aren't nearly as powerful as Grimer!"
said Rick as he called out his pokemon.
"Geodude, go! Now, Geodude, conduct your rock throw attack!"
said Gale.
"Bulbasaur, tackle him!" said Jack.
"Grimer, sludge him down,"
"I don't think so! Machoke, high toss!" said Lance. Machoke
threw Grimer and Rick out of the lab.
"Hey, wait a sec�" said Gale. She was cut off by Machoke
grabbing her by the legs and throwing her out with her geodude.
"Oh, no! The Ash Ketchum Memorial Museum! All of those
memorable relics�" said Professor Oak.
"We are going there now!" said Lance. Lance and Jack began
walking through town before they were caught half way by Claud.
"Lance, what's going on?" asked Claud.
"Team Rocket has seized the town! We are going to the
memorial to stop them from stealing anything!" said Lance.
"I'll go there! Go to the gym and free the trainers!" said
Claud. Jack and Lance began to run towards the gym. When they
entered, they saw a girl their age leaning over a trainer. He wasn't
"Are you Rocket members too? Then take me now! Just like you
killed my father for defending my mother, and this poor boy's life!
But no, I can help him," she said. Green beams came from her hand.
The boy began breathing again.
"Wow� uh, I mean we aren't Rocket members! We came here to
help free the gym!" said Lance.
"Then come with me! My leader may be under attack!" she said.
They began running with her.
"Before I can really trust you, I want an introduction," said
the girl.
"I am Lance, and this is my friend Jack."
"I am Iris, pokemon trainer."
"What did you do back there?"
"Oh, the healing thing? I was born with it. My mother told me
I should become a nurse, so she gave me a Chansey. When Kai, the gym
leader, recognized my talent, he gave me a Mankey and asked me to join
his gym. I thought I never would need to use that power again. It
has backfired before, and it led to my mother's capture when the
Rockets thought she owned the power. My father died protecting her."
"Oh, I'm sorry�"
"It's okay� Kai!" Kai was on the ground and was surrounded by
two Rocket members.
"Oh, look! Visitors! Want some trouble?" said the male
"Make it double!" said his female companion.
"Enough with the stupid motto! Just fight!" said Jack.
"Shut up! We make the calls! Kenny!"
"Rockets, assemble!" they both said at the same time.
"Sandshrew, go!"
"Sandshrew, ha! Golduck, assume battle mode!" said Kenny.
"Bulbasaur, I choose you!"
"You guys are pathetic! Golbat, make them pay!" said Veda.
"Bulbasaur, tackle Golduck!"
"Golduck, water gun!"
"Golbat, supersonic! Now that they are confused, bite them!"
"Sandshrew, sand attack! Okay, now� hey! You're evolving!"
The Poke' dex began talking:
"Sandslash, the porcupine. It uses its razor claws to cut
down trees."
"Okay, Sandslash, slash them!"
"Golbat, return!"
"Golduck, come back! Okay, you won this time, but Team Rocket
never gives into failure!" Both the Rockets ran away.
"Thank you for saving me. You are worthy of the Kung Fu
badge. I will also give you these two pokemon," said Kai. He held
out two poke' balls and one was marked 'Hitmonchan' and the other was
marked 'Hitmonlee'. The Poke' dex began talking:
"Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, brothers of fighting. Both utilize
fighting abilities which use both mind and body. While Hitmonchan
uses his hands to box, Hitmonlee uses his legs to kick."
"Here are the badges. Iris, you will be promoted. Good job,"
said Kai.
"Master Kai, I don't want to be promoted. I want to leave the
gym. I have a power that must be used correctly. Perhaps if I travel
with these two, I can learn how to control this power and use it to
save lives. I am going, and you can't do anything to stop me," said
"Iris, you have made a wise descision. Go and utilize your
power to its greatest. Remember, being strong on the outside can not
compare to your inner strength. Visit me when you have reached your
goal," said Kai.
"Goodbye, master Kai," said Iris.
Part 8: Ramat vs. Psychos
"Oh, this Pidgeotto is so cute!" said Iris. Lance and his friends were on the
way to Virdian City.
"You wouldn't believe what he can really do," said Jack.
"What, peck or gust?" asked Iris.
"No, he also knows dive," said Lance.
"That's not very impressive," said Iris.
"Well, he is really powerful!" said Lance.
"Oh, another trainer? This'll be some fun," said a voice from behind. A
trainer was standing behind them.
"Is that a challenge?" asked Lance.
"Yes, it is. Which one of you novices wants to fight my Growlithe?" asked the
"I will! Leave it to me, Lance! Mankey, go!" said Iris.
"Growlithe, flamethrower!"
"Mankey, stare down!"
"Huh, what's that?" asked Lance. The Poke' dex began talking:
"When a Mankey stares down another pokemon or human, the other is intimidated
leaving them scared. Sometimes, too scared to attack."
"Did you say Lance? Lance the son of Galford?" asked a voice. When they saw
Psychos in the trees, the trainer began running.
"Psychos! Yes, I am the son of Galford! What's it to you?" asked Lance.
"That means you must have the bird. Hand it over, or I'll kill you like I
killed your father!"
"You heard me. Your father was going to take on the Evil Four and the boss
with a friend of his. He successfully got to the 29th basement of our
headquarters. He nearly reached them, when he ran into me. Oh, he fought hard,
but at the end, he was lying on the ground. His last words were to the bird.
He told it to take care of you, and to let no harm come to you."
"Pidgeotto!" came a cry from behind. Pidge ruffled up his feathers and they
began shooting out like bullets.
"Argh�take that!" said Psychos. He stuck out his hand and Pidge was slammed
against the ground. Iris and Jack ran to his side. He evolved into a Pidgeot.
"Well, give up?" asked Psychos.
"Get back!" shouted a voice from above. A boy jumped down from the trees. A
little mechanism was resting on his hand.
"Get back! Let me take care of him! Transformer machine, activate psychic,
fighting and ghost abilities!" said the boy.
"Hah, come on! Let us see what you can do, boy!" said Psychos. Suddenly, the
boy teleported behind Psychos and executed the comet punch attack. After that,
he stuck out his hand and Psychos went flying.
"Well, there he goes. Hello, I am Ramat," said the boy.
"Um�good timing. I am Lance."
"I know. I have psychic powers," said Ramat.
"Really? Well what's with�uh�everything?"
"Come here Lance," said Ramat. He guided Lance through the trees into a
"Why do you trust me?"
"I know that you aren't from Team Rocket, and I know everything you know.
Psychos said that your father had an accomplice, correct?"
"Yeah, why? It can't be you."
"No, that accomplice was my father. He died at Psychos's hand too."
"Then why didn't you kill Psychos back there?"
"I took Psychos completely by surprise. Psychos is actually very powerful."
"What's with the thing on your hand."
"This? When my father died, there was a memorial at the lab he used to work
in. I was looking at the inventions he had. As I was looking, I noticed a
loose block. When I removed it and crawled in, there was a whole other
laboratory. I saw a diary by this little thing. It was created some hundred
years ago. The diary said that Dittos and Transformers had become extinct.
This mechanism was supposed to mimic the power a Transformer held. Transformers
could copy abilities from opponents and remember them forever. I learned many
psychic, fighting and some ghost moves, but I have hardly learned anything else.
I want to travel the world and learn the strongest attacks. One day, I want to
destroy Team Rocket."
"Well, you're welcome to join me and my friends."
"No, I can't. I am in deep with Team Rocket. I want to help you, not put you
in danger. If you are in danger, I will know, and come to help as soon as
"Okay. So I guess I will see you later?"
"Yes, goodbye."
Part 9: Concert in Virdian
"Wow, my Poke' dex upgraded itself!" said Lance.
"You didn't know that?" asked Iris.
"Jigglypuff!" came a little cry from ahead.� A little baby Jigglypuff was
sitting on the ground eating grass.
"Ooh, a cute little Jigglypuff!� I'm gonna catch it!" said Iris.
"It's just a little baby!� Besides, we don't have any poke' balls!"
"But I do!� Poke' ball, go!" said Iris as she threw the poke' ball.
"Jigglypuff?"� The pokemon stared at Iris.
"Puff!" it screamed as the poke' ball came hurling at it.� It kicked it back to
"You may be cute, but you are quite resistant!� Chansey, go!"
"Chansey!"� Jigglypuff walked up to Chansey and they began to converse.
Suddenly, the Jigglypuff jumped into the poke' ball.
"I knew I could rely on Chansey to talk that Jigglypuff into coming with me!"
"Oh, brother," said Jack.
"Look, Virdian City!" said Lance.� He ran up to the sign that was right in
front of the city.� He read it out loud.
"A concert will be held tonight in Virdian City.� Tryouts are today.� The three
best pokemon will perform at the concert.� The trainers of the three pokemon who
make it to the concert will each receive a certain prize.� First place gets an
Eevee.� Second place will get a Pikachu.� Third place will get a Vulpix."
"Hold on, aren't Pikachu more common than Vulpix?" asked Jack.
"It won't matter.� My little Jigglypuff will get first place and I will get an
Eevee!" said Iris.
"Don't get so cocky!� You don't even know how well that Jigglypuff sings!" said
"I'll show you!� Jigglypuff, get out of your poke' ball!" said Iris.
"Puff!" said Jigglypuff.� It blew itself up into a balloon.� The Poke' dex
began talking:
"When Jigglypuff becomes angry, it blows itself up into a circle like a
"Okay, Jigglypuff, sing!"
"(Euh humm�) Ji-ggly-puff-jiggly-yy-puff-ji-ggly-puff-jigg-ly�"
"Wow, that Jigglypuff is goo�(snore)"
"Oh, good, that Jigglypuff put Jack to sleep.� Happy now, Iris?� Iris?"� Iris
was already sleeping too.
"Uh, sorry�but Jigglypuff was good!� You need to listen to the song without
seeping into it, though�" said Iris.
* * * * *
"I won!� I won second prize!" said Iris.
"That singing Clefairy was really good.� Oh look, there are the winners!" said
Jack.� A girl and a guy came out.
"Wait, they look familiar� back at Richia City!� THAT'S BLACKOUT AND KRISTIN!"
said Lance.
"Uh, oh!� Let's beat it, Blackout!"� They began running.� Jack, Lance and Iris
ran after them.
"Hey, where's your Pikachu?"
"You get him at the concert.� The third prize winner won with a Microphone!"
"We're far away from town enough!� Lickitung, go!" said Kristin.
"Magnemite, go!" said Blackout.
"Sandslash, get 'em!"
"Wartortle, come on!"
"Mankey, make them pay!"
"Lickitung, tongue slap!"
"Sandslash, slash them!"
"Wartortle, water gun!"
"Mankey, throw Lickitung!"
"Magnemite, thunder shock!"
"That doesn't affect Sandslash!� Slash 'em!"
"You won't be able to convict us at the concert!� Pokemon, return!" said
Blackout.� They ran away.
* * * * *
"Keep your eyes open, they could be anywhere!" said Lance.
"They'll come up with their Clefairy when the time comes!" said Jack.
"Oh, no!� I just remembered!� Clefairy's song always puts people to sleep on
its trainer's command!� They might want to put everyone to sleep to steal the
pokemon!" said Iris.
"How?� Wouldn't they fall asleep too?" asked Jack.
"No!� A trainer could tell its pokemon who not to put to sleep!� And those
amplifiers are charged up to full power!� Everyone will hear Clefairy's song!"
"And now, the grand prize winners!� Kristin and Blackout with their singing
Clefairy!" said the announcer.� The Clefairy went on stage.
"Cla-fair-ee!� Cla-fair-ee!� Cla-a-a-a-fair-ee!"
"Hey, what's goin�zzzzz�" said the announcer.
"Everyone's falling asleep!" said Jack.
"Pidgeot!" said Pidge.� He flew up to the stage and slashed at the Clefairy.
It fell down and stopped singing.� The Poke' dex began talking:
"Feather cut, Pidgeot's strongest attack.� This attack can knock out pokemon
easily."� Iris ran on stage.
"These two are Team Rocket members!� They just tried to put the town to sleep
and steal your money!"
"Well, you stopped us!� But I still got Eevee!� Team Rocket succeeds again!"
said Blackout.� Kristin and Blackout ran away.
"Well�um�as the sponsor of this concert� here's your Pikachu!" said the
"Pika!" said the little pokemon as he rubbed up against Iris's leg.
"Oh how�aaaaaahhhhhh!" said Iris.� She was hit by a thunder bolt.� The Poke'
dex began talking:
"When a Pikachu becomes angry, it conducts the electric shock attack."
"Well, looks like Pikachu already is used to Iris!" said Lance.
Part 10: The Fired up Viridian Gym
"Well, Lance, here it is!� The Viridian Gym!" said Iris.
"It has a flame on the door�" said Jack.
"This must be a fire gym!� Who is the leader, Iris?" asked Lance.
"His name is Ruby.� He is said to have some extremely powerful fire pokemon
"Great!� I have water pokemon!" said Jack.
"Seaking can't fight unless he is in water!" said Lance.
"Hey, that's a short list, Lance!" said Jack.� They looked at the sign and saw
20 names.
"Only 20 people have beaten this guy?" asked Lance.
"I'm guessing yes," said Jack.
"Pidgeot!" said Pidge.
"Well, let's go in!" said Iris.� They entered the gym.
"Well, it's you again!" came a famili ar voice.� They turned around the see the
boy that had the Growlithe on the way to Viridian.
"Hey!� You ran away!� I want to challenge you again!� Pikachu, go!"
"Growlithe, go!"
"Pikachu, thunder shock!"
"Growlithe, ember!"
"Pikachu, uhhh� thunder shock again!"
"Growlithe, take down!"
"Pikachu, dodge it!� Good!� Now thunder shock it!"
"Oh, I'm sorry!� I need to charge you up again!� Well, tackle Growlithe!"
"Growlithe, skull bash!"
"Come on, Pikachu!� Paralysis!"
"Hey!� Growlithe, return!"
"Ha!� I won!� Pathetic, Tim, pathetic!"
"You know this guy?" asked Lance.
"Yes, Tim beat me the first time I entered the gym I was at!� I've wanted to
beat him since!� And I finally have!"
"Well, since you beat me, I'll tell you this.� You can't beat Ruby's Magmar
unless you have a psychic pokemon.� He's trained it to have good defense against
anything else!� Even water pokemon!" said Tim.
"We'll see about that!" said Lance.� He ran through the hallway.� The other
three followed, and Pidge flew ahead.
"You aren't going to beat him unless you have an Abra!� Listen to me!"
"Lance is way past that," said Jack.
"Well, then you probably should tell him to find an Abra and come back.� No
other pokemon except psychic pokemon like Abra can beat him.� Maybe if you found
a Drowzee�"
"Stop there, pokemon trainer!" said a girl accompanied by her friend.
"Where do you think you're going?" asked the other girl.
"I'm going to challenge Ruby!" said Lance.
"Then, you have to beat us!� Ponyta, go!"
"Charmander, go!" said the other girl.
"Hitmonlee, go!"
"I'll help, Lance!� Wartortle, go!"
"Hitmonlee, low kick!"
"Charmander, ember!"
"Wartortle, water gun!"
"Ponyta, flame thrower!"
"Hitmonlee, jump kick!"
"Wartortle, water gun!"
"Ponyta, return!"
"Charmander, ember!"
"Wartortle, bubble beam!"
"Charmander, return!� Well, you proved your selves.� Ruby is right through this
door," said the other girl.� Lance, Jack, Iris, Pidge and Tim ran through.
"Well, now's the moment of truth!" said Tim.
"Tim, is that you?� I see you brought me some trainers for exercise!� Thank
you!� Now leave!" boomed a voice behind a chair.� Tim left in a hurry.� Ruby
turned around in his seat.
"Who are you?"
"Lance and Jack, pokemon trainers!"
"Well, you must underestimate the power of my Magmar.� Magmars are very
intelligent pokemon.� He can learn many things any regular fire pokemon can not.
My rules!� Two pokemon each for you, one for me!� One at a time!� Magmar, go!"
"Sandslash, come on!"
"Wartortle, go!"
"Magmar, fire blast!"� The Poke' dex began talking:
"Fire blast, probably one of the strongest fire attacks known next to fire
"Sandslash, return!"
"Wartortle, water gun!"� The Magmar didn't even flinch.
"Ha!� My Magmar is strong against water!� Magmar, fire blast!"
"Wartortle, return!"
"You are weak.� You should have never come here!"
"You underestimate us!� Pidge, go!"
"Fight fire with fire!� Charmeleon, go!"
"A Pidgeot, versus a Magmar?� You have got to be kidding!� Magmar, slash-cut!"
"Charmeleon, flame thrower!"
"Fighting fire with fire won't work!� Magmar, fire blast!"
"Charmeleon, return!"
"Is that all you got?"
"No, I'm just getting Pidge ready!� Pidge, feather cut!"
"Magmar!� You can't be hurt that much!� It's just a bird!� Fire blast!"
"Agility, Pidge!� Good, you dodged the fire!� Feather bullet!"
"Magmar�" came a hurt cry from the pokemon.
"Magmar, return!� I don't believe it, Lance!� That small bird of yours took out
my Magmar!"
"He's defeated dragons!" said Iris, who has been watching, awed at Pidge's
"Well, it seems I am the one who underestimated you!� Treat that bird well,
Lance!� Here is the flame badge!� For both of you!" said Ruby.� He tossed them
the badges.
"I will remember this match, Lance!� This is the best one yet!" said Ruby as
they walked out of the gym.� Lance gave a crooked little smile.
Part 11: Aracne and the Viridian Plant Garden
"Wow, it's been two and a half months already!?" said Lance.
"Yeah, and it would go faster if we finally left this city!� We got our badges
a week ago!" said Jack.
"Well, before we leave, we should go visit the garden here!� There are plenty
of poison, plant and insect pokemon there!" said Iris.
"Hey, I'll take you there!" said Tim.� He had exited the gym.
"Okay!" said Lance.
* * * * *
"This place is beautiful!� Look at these flowers!" said Iris.
"Oh, well�you're leaving Iris�I guess I won't ever see you again�" said Tim.
"I want to become a nurse in Virdian City!� You will see me again!" said Iris.
"How long will that be?" asked Tim.
"Years, maybe, but you will see me again.� Good bye�"
"Good bye�" said Tim.� He left the garden.� A woman appeared in front of Jack.
"It's you!� You two kids put me out of a job!" said the woman.
"What?� Who are you?" asked Lance.
"I'm Aracne!� Your wins got me fired because too many people beat me!� I want
"Fine then!� I'll challenge you!� Bulbasaur, go!" said Jack.
"I got a new pokemon!� Parasect, go!"
"Bulbasaur, gosh, what can you do?� Vine whip?"
"Parasect, leech seed!"
"Bulbasaur, vine whip again!� Hey, you're evolving!"� The Poke' dex began
"When Bulbasaur is surrounded by plants, he evolves into Ivysaur."
"Parasect, slash!"
"Ivysaur, uh� razor leaf!"
"Parasect, return!� Well, that's enough to tell me what I want to know!� You
need more training!"
"What do you mean?� I just beat you!" said Jack.
"Yeah, but I could have beaten you!� You need somebody to protect you!� I'm
going with you!"
"You hardly even know us!� Then again, Iris�hey where is Iris?" said Lance.� He
turned around and saw Iris catching two pokemon.
"Cool!� I caught a Nidoran male and Nidoran female!" said Iris.
"Your pokemon are really weak!� With my near complete bug collection�"
"Near complete?� Who are you missing?" asked Jack.
"A Pinsir�ah, I can't lie to you.� Pinsirs are very rare.� I need help to catch
one.� Also, I know that there is more bug pokemon than they say.� I want to
catch a Pinsir and find a new type of bug pokemon!" said Aracne.
"Well, then we'd be happy if you joined us!" said Lance.
"LANCE!" said Iris and Jack at the same time.
"Don't count her out!� Why should we?" asked Lance.� Iris pulled Lance away
from the group.
"Listen Lance, I know gym leaders, and Jack must too.� You need to do something
horrible to get fired as a gym leader.� Too many defeats doesn't count.� She
must have done something that a Team Rocket Member would do!� She could be a
"Then we should take her anyway!� She likes bug pokemon!� We'll take her!� If
anything becomes suspicious, I'll look into it!"
"Ohh�fine," said Iris.
To Be Continued....
You can contact me at [email protected].
Oh please, oh please let there be a Snorlax in this story...