Breakdown of a Turn

1) Draw a Card- To start your turn, you must first draw a card from your deck and put it in your hand.
2) Do the Following in Any Order:
*Put a Basic Pokemon on the Bench (as many times as you like)
You may have up to 5 Pokemon on your Bench. These Pokemon are your reserve Pokemon. If you do not have a Pokemon on the bench when your active Pokemon (the one who is fighting) is knocked out, you automatically lose.
*Evolve a Pokemon in Play
You may play an evolution card on the basic Pokemon that corresponds to it (Kakuna on Weedle, for example). A Pokemon can only be evolved once per turn, and not on the first turn it was played. You may not evolve any pokemon on the first turn of the game, but you may evolve benched Pokemon. When a Pokemon evolves, it loses any afflictions such as sleep, confused, poisoned, or paralyzed, but keeps damage and energy.
*Attach Energy to a Pokemon
Energy cards allow Pokemon to perform their attacks. You may only play one per turn.
*Play a Trainer Card
You may play as may Trainer cards as you like during your turn. The card's text will tell you what it does.
*Retreat your Active Pokemon
To retreat your active pokemon, you must pay the retreat cost (on the bottom right corner). You must discard energy cards in order to do so. When you retreat, you switch one of your benched pokemon for the active one (all damage and energy stay, but all afflictions are healed).
*Use a Pokemon Power
Some Pokemon have a Pokemon Power. The effects of this power are explained on the card, but it does not count as an attack, so you can still attack that turn.
3) Attack With Your Active Pokemon- You may attack with your pokemon if you have enough energy to use the attack you planned. The cost of each attack is written to the left of it. The 6 basic types of energy are Water , Fire , Grass , Lightning , Fighting , and Psychic . There is also a 7th type, Colorless , that can be filled by any of the 6 basic energies. For example, if Bob has a Machoke, he can use the Karate Chop attack if he has 2 fighting and 1 grass energy attached. The attack does 50 damage (less 10 per damage counter on Machoke), as it says on the right of the attack. Attacks may have other effects, as detailed on the card.
4) That's All Folks!- After you've attacked, your turn is over, and your opponent begins his.

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Now, if I tap 3 mana to force drain Duncan MacLeod at King Kai's Pad,
and he responds by evolving his Ace into a 21 while he has the brain....
I go into torpor?