Example of Play

Now we have to figure out who goes first. Anyone got a coin?
Fred: Fresh out.
Bob: I do. (flips it)
Fred: Heads!
Bob: Why do I have all the bad luck? You get to go first.
Fred: You don't NEED bad luck to lose to me.
Bob: Quiet you.
Snorlax: Can we get back to the game?
Fred: Ok, ok. I'll put a pokemon on the bench, and apply a fighting energy to Machop. To end my turn, I'll Low Kick your wimpy Nidoran.
Bob: You'll pay for that!
Snorlax: (sigh) How did I get stuck with these two?
Bob: Ok, now for my turn, I'll pick up a card and bench two pokemon. Then I'll apply a grass energy to Nidoran and attempt to Horn Hazard your Machop. (flips coin) DARN! Tails, so the attack does nothing.
Fred: Sucks to be you.


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Now, if I tap 3 mana to force drain Duncan MacLeod at King Kai's Pad,
and he responds by evolving his Ace into a 21 while he has the brain....
I go into torpor?