Example of Play
Fred: Ok! Now to finish you off! I pick up a card, bench a pokemon, apply energy to a benched pokemon, and evolve a benched pokemon. Now I'll kick that Nidoran straight to your discard pile!
Bob: YOU JERK!!!
Snorlax: Well Bob? You have to put out a benched pokemon.
Bob: Fine. Staryu, I choose you.
Fred: I get a prize! In your face! Only 5 to go!
Bob: Do you want me to shut that big mouth of yours?
Snorlax: Guys! Settle down!
Fred: He started it.
Bob: WHAT? ...Forget it. I pick up a card and apply a water energy to Staryu. I also bench two pokemon. I finish by slapping with Staryu.
Fred: Ouch!


You can contact me at Demonic_bovine@hotmail.com.
Now, if I tap 3 mana to force drain Duncan MacLeod at King Kai's Pad,
and he responds by evolving his Ace into a 21 while he has the brain....
I go into torpor?