Example of Play

Meanwhile, I was getting bored of Bob and Fred's competitive antics, so I decide it's the perfect time for a catnap. I'm not a cat, but a nap's a nap.
Snorlax: (snort) Huh? Why did you wake me up? I was having that dream again.
Bob: You mean the one where you're skiing down that ice cream sundae mountain?
Snorlax: No, the one where everything is made of chocolate. I took a big bite out of President Clinton. Anyway, what's the problem?
Fred: Bob says retreating a pokemon won't cure poison or confusion.
Bob: Yeah! My Koffing confused and poisoned him, and he thinks he can cure himself by running away.
Fred: I can! When I retreat, I lose all ailments and damage.
Snorlax: You're both wrong. When Fred retreats, he loses poison and confusion, but no damage is healed.
Fred and Bob: Awwww....
Snorlax: Now, can I get back to sleep?
Bob: Sure.
Fred and Bob: WAKE UP!
Snorlax: Whatwhatwhatwhat?!! ...I was almost finished eating the entire White House!
Fred: Bob doesn't agree with me on how PlusPower and Weakness works.
Snorlax: Go on.
Bob: He says that with PlusPower, he can use Machop to deal 60 damage to my Raticate.
Snorlax: Well, your weakness to fighting pokemon causes all fighting attacks to do double damage...
Fred: Yeah! And with PlusPower, 30 doubled is 60!
Snorlax: Not so fast! PlusPower adds damage AFTER weakness. Therefore, 20 doubled is 40, and adding 10 makes 50 damage. It looks like that would knock out your Raticate anyway.
Bob: DARN!
Fred: Yes! Only one prize to go!
Bob: And I still have 6 to go. Oh well, my last pokemon should surprise you.


You can contact me at [email protected].
Now, if I tap 3 mana to force drain Duncan MacLeod at King Kai's Pad,
and he responds by evolving his Ace into a 21 while he has the brain....
I go into torpor?