Much has changed since the legendary pokemon trainer, Ash Ketchum, caught all 152 pokemon available at that time. He also put down Team Rocket for a few years. Time has changed since then. Ash is long dead, and Team Rocket has turned into an illegal corporation that even the government can not put down. The Elite Four are now the four high generals fighting against the Rocket Team Four imitation, the Evil Four. People now say that there are 200 pokemon, but others say that there are much more. No one knows for sure, but now the mystery may unravel when Lance, a young boy, will set off to become a pokemon trainer. Will he succeed? Or will Rocket rule crush his motivation?"Charmander, I choose you!" shouts a boy. "Machop, I choose you!" shouts his blonde friend. "Charmander, flamethrower!" "Char�mander!" "Ma-chop!" shouts the other pokemon. It faints. "Better luck next time, Lance. You know that your Machop will never beat my Charmander." "My Machop didn't even get a chance, Jack! I know he could beat your Charmander if he was fast enough!" says Lance. "Those are all ifs, Lance. Anyway, it was just a silly fight. Both of our pokemon together can beat anyone's in the school! Lets go to your house and watch T.V." Jack and Lance are best friends. They are very competitive with their pokemon, but always end up making up. They are both 13 and are very good trainers for their age. "Lance, dear? Come here," says Lance's mother when he enters the house. "What is it, mom?" "Pidgey is not feeling very well. There are antidotes in the nearby Lavender City." Lance lives in the city built over the once Rock Tunnel, and is called Richia City. "Just be careful to ask the guard nicely to go through. I'll give you the money and two poke' balls for your trouble." "Okay mom. Jack, want to come along?" "Sure, but we need to search the grass well. Rumor around the school says a Popa was spotted in the grass near Lavender." "Popa? That's a pretty dumb name considering how powerful everyone says it is. I don't believe rumors. Besides, even if it is true, a Popa is way to powerful for us! That dragon can beat any of the four legendary birds!" "Oh, whatever. Lets get the stuff and go." And so it began� Section 1: The Beginning
"But sir, if we don't go through, my Pidgey could die!" pleaded Lance. "Sorry, kid. Only adults and experienced trainers can go through," said the guard. "The Popa could attack and kill any inexperienced trainers." "Would you rate yourself as a good trainer, sir?" Jack asked, with a sly look. "Of course, they would put me in a job if I was not experienced with pokemon," said the guard. "Then how about a battle? Me and my friend here against you. If we beat you, you let us through. If we lose, we'll go back home." "Oh, okay. But let's do this outside." All three walked out. Each was ready to do their best. "Vulpix, I choose you!" shouted the guard. "Machop, I choose you!" shouted Lance. "Charmander, I choose you!" shouted Jack. "Vulpix, tackle!" "Tackle? That's basic. Charmander, flamethrower!" "Machop, low kick!" "Vul-pix!" said the guard's pokemon. "Too slow, eh? Charmander, Flamethrower again!" Vulpix fainted. "Okay, I believe you now. Go on ahead." Lance and Jack were off to Lavender City. On their way, Lance saw something. "Hey wait, Jack! What's that?" "Hey, that's a Sandshrew!" said Jack. "I'll catch it! I never thought my Poke'dex would be useful when my father gave it to me. All I had was Pidgey and Machop. Machop, I choose you! Machop, Low Kick!" "Sandshrew!" the pokemon squealed. It scratched Machop. "Machop, Low Kick again! Okay, it's weak now!" Lance threw one of the poke' balls his mom gave him. He captured the Sandshrew. The Poke'dex began talking: "Sandshrew. A tiny pokemon who is common in all tall grasses. He prefers to eat sand as food rather than vegetation." "All right! I caught a pokemon!" said Lance. He picked up the poke' ball his mom gave him. "Squirtle!" came a weird call from another direction. A little turtle appeared. The Poke'dex began talking: "Squirtle, a tiny turtle that is very powerful. It spits strong bursts of water that can send other pokemon flying up to 200 feet." "I'm going to catch this one! I choose you, Machop!" "Squirtle!" shouted the pokemon. It spit a powerful burst of water from its mouth. "Watch out� oh no, Machop! Come back!" said Lance as he pointed the ball straight in the air. Machop was very hurt. "I choose you, Sandshrew! Sandshrew, scratch!" "Squirtle!" the other pokemon shouted. It popped into its shell and dodged the attack. It came back out and spat a burst of water at Sandshrew. "Sandshrew, sand attack!" "Sandshrew!" The other pokemon kept spitting bursts of water at Sandshrew, but could not see anything so he missed. Sandshrew scratched it, but then Squirtle tackled back. Sandshrew fainted. "Let me show you how a real trainer does it. Charmander! I choose you!" said Jack. "Charmander, flamethrower!" "Charmander!" ` "Hey Jack, its weak now! Take this poke' ball!" Jack threw the poke' ball at Squirtle and caught it. "I have got to admit, your Charmander is very powerful." "Let's go to Lavender City, I doubt we'll meet that stupid Popa anyway." When they reached Lavender City, they stopped at the Pokemon Center. Later, they stopped at the Pokemon Mart. As they were leaving, Jack spotted something. "Hey, what's that big place?" asked Jack. "That's the Pokemon Gym. Let's go over there," replied Lance. They walked over to the Gym and looked at the sign. "Winning trainers� wow that's a long list," said Lance. "Let's add two names to it," said Jack. They both entered. "Who's Gym is this anyway?" asked Lance. "Aracne's," came a reply from a bug catcher, "master of the bug pokemon!" "Master? That long list out there shows that she's a novice," said Jack. "I'll show you! Weedle, I choose you!" said the bug catcher. "I'll fight this one, Lance. Charmander, I choose you! Charmander, flamethrower!" "Weedle!" cried the other pokemon. It fainted. "Wow, that Charmander is really� hey, what's happening to your Charmander?" asked Lance. "It's evolving! With that Charmeleon, you'll defeat Aracne!" said the bug catcher. The Poke'dex began talking: "Charmeleon, an extremely powerful, fire-breathing pokemon. Its arms become very powerful and it begins to spout wings." "Come on, Lance! Lets go!" said Jack. After exploring the gym for a while, they found Aracne. "Well, well, another challenge. You two will be easy. I am the master of bug pokemon. You may think I am weak because of the long list out there, but that list has not been updated for 3 years! Butterfree, I choose you!" "Beefree!" shouted the Butterfree. "Sandshrew, I choose you!" "I choose you, Charmeleon!" "Charmeleon, flamethrower!" "Bee-freoww�" "Oh, no! You have a fire pokemon! Come back, Butterfree! Beedrill, I choose you! Beedrill, twineedle attack!" "Buzz!" screamed the Beedrill. It hit Charmeleon. "Charmeleon, you can take it! Flamethrower!" "Charmeleon!" it shouted. The Beedrill dodged it and hit it with a poison sting. "Charmeleon, come back! You aren't well!" "Sandshrew, sand attack! Okay, its accuracy is down! Now scratch it!" "Sandshrew!" it squealed as it attacked the Beedrill. "Squirtle, I choose you! Okay Squirtle, bubble beam!" shouted Jack. The Beedrill fainted. "Well, well. Come back Beedrill! It seems you two have beaten me. But it's not over yet! Scyther, I choose you! Okay Scyther, slash those pokemon!" said Aracne. The Scyther just stared at her. Eventually he got bored and went to sleep. "Scyther! You disobedient pokemon! Slash them!" Scyther eyed Aracne. He suddenly got up and began running towards her. "Not me Scyther! Them! Attack their pokemon!" Scyther stopped in front of her and stared. "Oh, it's no use. Here kid, take the Insect Badge. Your names will be on the sign shortly." As they walked out of the Gym, Lance and Jack heard screaming and cursing and "Scyther" in between. They had gotten their first badge. Part 2: Lavender City
"We have our first badge!" shouted Lance as they were near the guardhouse, "What do you suppose it does?" "Some people say it improves your skills. I think it just gives you a sense of pride," Jack replied. "Popa!" came a roar from behind. "Har, har, very funny Jack. Don't try to fool me in to thinking Popa's around." "I didn't make any noises, I swear!" They both turned around and saw a giant, dragon that seemed to be on fire. "Popa!" it roared. The Poke'dex began talking: "Popa, the legendary dragon. It can destroy entire cities by accident from a sneeze of fire. Highly dangerous, this pokemon is hard to catch for even highly skilled trainers." "I don't know about you, Jack, but I'm not going to mess with this thing!" "Popa!" it roared. It spat a great ball of fire. Jack and Lance jumped out of the way. "Someone, help us!" shouted Jack. "I will," came a reply from behind the Popa. A tall, slender man draped in black stood there. He was wearing a long, brown coat and had sharp, mysterious eyes. His long, gray hair blew in the silent wind. A huge R was imprinted on his shirt. "Call me Psychos," the man said. "Y-you're from Team Rocket!" said Lance. "I'm also your only hope! MewTwo, I choose you!" the man said. The Poke'dex began talking: "MewTwo, the extremely rare pokemon with extremely powerful psychic powers. Very few own a MewTwo, and some say that you can only catch one if you go into space." "A MewTwo like that can be very powerful! Lance, let's watch this from a longer distance!" Lance and Jack ran to a bush. "MewTwo, psywave!" "Mew-Two!" MewTwo raised its arm in the air. Out spat a series of what seemed heat waves. When reaching Popa, spectacular explosions occurred. "Popa!" the pokemon roared. It spat a giant ball of fire at MewTwo. "MewTwo, recover! That's it, now barrier! Okay, now perform final psychic!" "Mew!" MewTwo brought both its arms together. They began to glow. Suddenly, it seemed like a surge of nothingness came out of MewTwo's arms. The Popa fell to the ground. "Easy as pie," said Psychos. He tossed a poke' ball that landed right on Popa. He caught one of the most powerful pokemon ever. "Now for my true purpose. MewTwo, come back!" "What's he doing?" asked Lance. "Oh, no�it sounds bad," said Jack. "Popa, I choose you! Popa, death flame Richia City!" "NO!!!" shouted Jack. He began running. Psychos stared straight at him, then he suddenly couldn't move. "What's happening? Why can't I move?" asked Jack. Psychos tilted his head to the side and Jack went flying. Popa spat a huge ball of fire. Within seconds, the city was burning brightly. "This will be a great chance to get the Red Emerald. So long, kid!" said Psychos. He began floating upwards towards the city. Lance ran to Jacks aid. "Who, or what, was that?" asked Jack. "I don't know, but he seemed to use abilities used by psychic pokemon. He said he wanted a Red Emerald from our city." "I know why he would want it, too. It's probably worth something, and he didn't care whether hundreds would die, just as long as he had the treasure. Rocket scum." Part 3: Popa and the Burning City
"Squirtle, I choose you! Okay, Squirtle! Put out this fire with your water blast!" said Jack. "Machop, I choose you! Come on, Machop! Bring as many heavy pails of water as quickly as you can! Throw the water against the fire!" shouted Lance. "Sandshrew, I choose you too! Use your sand attack to engulf the flames in dust!" shouted Lance again. "This isn't enough! We need help!" said a kid from Lance's school who was helping them. "Hey, what's that?" asked Jack. "It's a helicopter! And it has the Elite Four sign on it!" said the kid. The helicopter landed near them. A tall, full-grown man jumped out. He was draped in blue with a purple cape behind him and had a crew cut. On his shirt there was a white "E4". "Greetings, children. I am Claud of the Elite Four. I was contacted that there was a fire here. Let me help out! Lapras, I choose you! Lapras, water wave!" A huge wave swept over the fire and took out nearly half of the fire in the city. The Poke'dex began talking: "Lapras, the king of the seas. He is able to cause tsunamis that can sweep out entire cities. Rare, he is known only to be found at the deep ends of the water." "Lapras, you can do this! Take out the whole fire!" Four more waves swept across the city and the fire was put out. "This isn't the last of it, kids. There are Rocket members roaming the city to capture people for ransom. Hide in a safe place as I seek them out." "I'm coming too!" said Lance. "Lance? Is that you? Lance Huro?" asked Claud. "Yes, what does that mean to you?" replied Jack for Lance. "Okay, you and your friend may come along. Stick together and be careful!" They walked along for a while. Jack finally got fed up. "There isn't anyone here! That Claud guy probably took them all out," Jack said. "Oh, yes there is," came an echoing sound from behind a wall. A woman appeared from the wall. She was wearing a long, black skirt and a blue shirt with an "R" on it. Over her red hair, head, bold shoulders and arms was a mysterious contraption. "I am Amplifier, of the Evil Four. I suggest you give up. That way, I don't have to beat you to make you compromise," she said. "Amplifier? That's a pretty weird name. Squirtle, battle mode!" "Machop, get her!" "So you want to play, children? Megaphone, I choose you! Megaphone, sound blast!" Both Machop and Squirtle flew into the air as a loud blast of sound came from its head. Note: The Megaphone in this story should not be confused with the Megafone found on my Dream Pokemon Page. They are slightly different. -Snorlax "What kind of pokemon is that?" asked Lance. The Poke'dex began talking: "Megaphone, the second evolution of Microphone. Its head can produce ultrasonic sounds and sounds up to 30,000,000 decibels." "Megaphone, let me do this!" said Amplifier. She aimed her hands straight at them. "Huh? What's she doing?" asked Jack. "Amplifier! Remember in Science, Jack? That contraption must be something with sound!" "It breaks the sound barrier causing an explosion at the point I deem. Now, say bye-bye!" "Pidgey!" came a shout from the sky. Lance's Pidgey swooped down and knocked Amplifier to the ground. "Pidgey! Don't do that! You aren't well!" came a call from Lance's mother. "Here, Pidgey, take this!" said Lance as he threw the antidote at Pidgey. It became better and suddenly evolved. The Poke'dex began talking: "Pidgeotto, the bird pokemon. It uses its wings more than its claws when fighting both predator and prey." "Lance! I don't believe it! No one has ever been able to do that to our Pidgey!" said Lance's mother. "Pidgeotto! Make Megaphone and Amplifier pay!" shouted Lance. "Pidgeotto!" it screamed. It repeatedly attacked Megaphone with its wings. Megaphone fainted. "I don't know how you beat Megaphone, but that's not the last of my pokemon! Megaphone come back! Now to even up the odds�" said Amplifier. She stopped as somebody grabbed her from behind. "Claud, of the Elite Four, Rocket scum. Give yourself up." "Not in this lifetime!" Amplifier said. She activated her machine on stun and hit Claud. She then ran away. "Oh my gosh! Your Pidgey evolved!" said Claud. "Why is everyone acting so weird?" asked Lance. "Pidgeotto!" Lance's pokemon chirped as he rubbed against him. "Lance, you know I haven't said much about your father since he has died," said Lance's mother. "I always thought you were uncomfortable about it. What's the truth?" asked Lance. "I'll tell you. You don't know it, but your father was one of the most powerful trainers in the world. Your Pidgeotto was one of his pokemon," said Claud. "You mean my pet, Pidgey? Probably one of his weaker pokemon," said Lance. "No, his second strongest," said Claud with a look in his face.
Part 4: Elite vs. Evil "His second strongest? This weak little house pet?" asked Jack. He had just come from his house to see if his family was O.K. "It was true. He could have been the leader of the Elite Four. Instead, he decided to stay with his family. You were alive when he got the Pidgey. He saw you were very attached to it. He knew he could not bare to see you unhappy because the Pidgey evolved. He somehow developed a method to still use Pidgey but prevent it from evolving. We are working on how to do this in Oak Labs in Pallet Town. Pidgey was extremely powerful, and opponents were surprised to see a tiny bird take out a Gyarados or another dragon. Your father devoted his life as an agent to bring down Team Rocket," said Claud. "When your father died," said Lance's mother, "Pidgey began to weaken. He could not even take out a weak Rattata. A lot of pokemon become weaker when their trainers abandon them, but we were still like his trainer. He would not listen to our commands or evolve. This is his poke' ball, Lance. He may not be very powerful, but as he grows closer to you, you will see the power that he really has within. At this rate, I predict that Pidgeotto will evolve into a Pidgeot in less than five battles," said Lance's mother. "Does Pidgeotto have a nickname?" asked Lance. "Your father called him 'Pidge'. Perhaps if you call him that, he will get closer to you," said Lance's mother. "Okay Pidge! Come into the poke' ball!" "Oh, he won't do that. He was never in a poke' ball and refuses to go into one," said Claud. "That's weird," said Jack. "Who was that woman?" asked Claud. "She said she was part of the Evil Four," said Lance. "Evil Four? We still need information on them! Lance, I know you still have six months before you get your final pokemon license, but�" said Claud. "That's not the worst part. Some powerful man named Psychos was able to do move objects with his mind like psychic pokemon. He also had the rare and powerful MewTwo. He was the one who caught Popa and ordered it to burn down this city. He said he was after the Red Emerald," said Lance. "The Red Emerald? He must have gotten it while the soldiers were fighting the Rocket Agents. But what would he want with a Red Emerald? A Rocket wouldn't go through so much trouble to get that emerald. It is worth somewhat of a good price, but only a few hundred. Anyway, Lance, I am going to make the biggest exception for you and your friend. You are coming with me to Oak Labs in Pallet City. Once you describe Psychos and that woman from the Evil Four, I will give both of you your final trainers license. That will give you six months of an advantage to your rivals who were planning to become trainers," said Claud. One of soldier came to Claud. "Sir! Some Rocket reinforcements have arrived! You must help us!" said the soldier. "Okay. Consider the deal, Lance! I will get back to you after the fight!" said Claud, assured he was going to win. He left with the soldier. "Your Pidgeotto sounds powerful. Now hand it over!" came a deep voice from the top of a building. Two Rocket agents in higher soldier uniforms came down. "Want some trouble?" asked the boy. "Make it double!" said the girl. "Blackout!" "Kristin!" "Rockets, go!" they shouted at the same time. "We aren't going without a fight! Machop, go!" shouted Lance. "Charmeleon, go!" said Jack. "Magnemite, assume battle mode," said Blackout. "Likitung, come on!" said Kristin. "Charmeleon, flame thrower!" said Jack. "Likitung, use your lick attack to paralyze Charmeleon!" said Kristin. "Charmeleon, watch out!" said Jack. "Magnemite, use thunder on Charmeleon!" said Blackout. "Charmeleon, return!" said Jack. "Let me take care of this. Machop!" said Lance. Before he knew it, Machop picked up the Rockets and their pokemon and threw them into the air. The Poke' dex began talking: "When Machop learns High Toss, it is a symbol that he is about to evolve." Then Machop evolved into Machoke. "Machoke, the wrestler. This pokemon builds its muscles to finally learn Seismic Toss. When it learns Seismic Toss, it is a sign that it will evolve into Machamp." "Well, I hope we don't hear from them again," said Jack. "We will. We need to start our training early, so we can protect the world from their devastation. What do you say, Jack? Do we take advantage of this opportunity?" asked Lance. "Don't mind if I do," said Jack. Part 5: A Father's Secret
"This is really special, Lance! We get to VIPs in Oak Labs and get to walk around Pallet City with one of the ELITE FOUR!" said Jack, with excitement in his voice. "Yeah, but isn't it tough to go early?" asked Lance. "Lance, I know we will miss out on six months with our friends, but we are the only ones who are travelling together and get a six month head start! We will be four times as powerful as any of our friends when they get to us! And the best part is that we are twice as powerful travelling together!" said Jack. "Well, we are due to arrive in Pallet City in two days. That is without any disturbances," said Claud who had just come into the passenger room of the helicopter. "What do you mean by that?" asked Lance. "Well, the Rocket members know I am near Richia. If the man whom you say is so powerful is really a Rocket member, he may come here and capture me," said Claud. "He seems that powerful, but you can beat him!" said Jack. "No, I can't. What he used on you was called telechonesis. Very few own that power, and anyone who does is very dangerous when he is a Rocket member," said Claud. "Pidgeotto!" chirped Pidge as he looked outside the window. "Bulbasaur!" came a cry from a frightened pokemon below. Both Jack and Lance looked outside the window to see what had happened. A pokemon was stuck on a rock surrounded by many other pokemon. The Poke' dex began talking: "Bulbasaur, the plant pokemon. When Bulbasaurs learned how to swim, they often got stuck at sea and got hunted down to near extinction by Goldeens, Seakings, Tentacools and Tentacruels." The Poke' dex began talking again for the many other pokemon surrounding Bulbasaur: "Goldeen, Seaking, Tentacool, Tentacruel, the water hunters. All of these pokemon hunt in packs and are highly dangerous for stranded or weak pokemon." "I can't let that happen! I'm going down there! Lance, grab onto this chain and pull me down slowly," said Jack. "That's pure madness! At least fight off those other pokemon! See that Seaking fly through the air? They may attack you!" said Lance. "That's why I'm taking Squirtle and Charmeleon! Let me down!" said Jack. Lance began lowering Jack towards the rock. "Bulbasaur!" the Bulbasaur cried. Jack made it down to the rock. "Okay! Squirtle, I choose you! Squirtle, water gun!" said Jack. The other water pokemon began spreading and running. "Squirtle, bubble beam!" said Jack. There were still to many. "Pidge, head dive!" called Lance from above. All the pokemon began scattering as the bird hit the water. "Squirtle, bubble beam!" said Jack. After the attack, Squirtle began glowing. Squirtle evolved into a new pokemon. The Poke' dex began talking: "Wartortle, the blaster pokemon. Squirtle evolves into Wartortle when Squirtle feels under pressure." "Well, that takes care of them! Poke' balls, go!" said Jack. He threw one at a Seaking and Tentacruel and caught them both. "All right, I caught two new pokemon! This day is going well!" said Jack. The Bulbasaur stared at Jack then entered a poke' ball of his as to claim ownership of him. "Not exactly how I caught Charmeleon, but it looks like he is just as obedient and loyal," said Jack. When he was hoisted back up, he saw a girl in the room. She was a tall, slender girl with wavy, brown hair and big, brown eyes. She was talking to Claud. "Hey, who are you?" asked Lance. "Lance, Jack, I would like you to meet my younger cousin, Esther," said Claud. "A pleasure to meet you, Lance. I heard many stories of your father," said Esther. "You can't judge a man by his father," said Jack, "I am the true greatest!" "Stop showing off, Jack. Anyway, what do you do?" asked Lance. "I am a pokemon analyst. I used to work in Oaks Lab," said Esther. "All the information you give us about Amplifier and Psychos will be crucial," said Claud. "Well, Psychos caught a Popa then wanted the Red Emerald," said Lance. "That's it! That's why he wanted the Red Emerald!" said Claud. "What are you talking about?" asked Lance. "The Red Emerald must be a dragon stone," said Claud. "Dragon stone?" "Everyone knows of fire, leaf, water, thunder and moon stones. There were legends of other stones such as the mist stone or the psystone. An ancient tablet once stated that there was a dragon stone that could evolve any dragon at any state. There were two clues to what a dragon stone looked like. The first one said the dragon stone was a fire in the night. That would explain the bright red color. The second one said that the dragon stone would come as the price of a jewel. That would mean the emerald." "Oh, my!" said Esther who was listening to the conversation. Part 6: On the Way to Pallet
You can contact me at Oh please, oh please let there be a Snorlax in this story...